He is strongly influenced by Spanish painters such as Goya and El Greco.
柯林斯例句In formal international competitions, there are generally two types: Greco Roman and freestyle.
在正式国际比赛中, 一般有两种摔法: 古典式和自由式.
——期刊摘选Wrestling's original Olympic style - Greco - Roman was derived from ancient Greek and Roman wrestling.
最初奥运会上采用的 古典式 摔跤便是源于古代希腊和罗马的摔跤.
互联网In Greco - Roman wrestling, the wrestlers used only their arms and upper bodies to attack.
在 古典式 摔跤比赛中, 摔跤选手只能用双臂和上半身去攻击对手,也只能扭抱对手的这些部位.
互联网How about this weekend's World Greco - Roman Wrestling Championships inStockholm?
这个周末他要参加的在斯德哥尔摩举行的世界 古典式 摔跤锦标赛怎么办?
互联网The two major events of wrestling are Greco - Roman and freestyle.
摔跤的两大主要项目是 古典式 摔跤和自由式摔跤.
互联网But few noted pugilists have had noses stronger than the Greco - Roman in outline.
互联网The use of dogs in warfare dates back to the late antiquity the Greco - Roman world.
互联网In Greco - roman style, the use of legs is restricted.
互联网He also won the Greco - Roman wrestling tournament in a major upset.
而在 古典式 摔跤比赛中,卡尔·舒曼也夺得一枚金牌.
互联网Because of the local shading model, Graphical Electromagnetic Computing ( GRECO ) method has some errors under Multiscattering.
采用图形电磁计算方法计算复杂目标电磁散射特性时,因采用局部光照模型, 在多次 散射 情况下有较大的误差.
互联网Siracusa con il famoso teatro greco.
互联网Crane covered the Greco - Turkish War in 1897 and the Spanish - American War in 1898 as a news correspondent.
克雷恩作为战地记者亲历了1897年的希 - 战争和1898年西 - 战争.
互联网In El Greco they are raised to heaven.
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