小妖精,丑妖精( goblin的名词复数 );
May you Halloween be full of friendly ghosts and goblins.
互联网The shrewd and tenacious goblins are the Horde's newest playable race with the Cataclysm expansion.
互联网RC: But using the goblins as guinea pigs is wreaking havoc with goblin morale.
互联网The confused Night Goblins scattered leaving piles of dead in their wake.
互联网Life is cheap among the Goblins.
互联网Rowling says, Those goblins are sneaky people.
罗琳说: 那些妖精不是老实人.
互联网Naturally, Superintendent Hadley never for a moment believed in goblins or wizardry.
想当然耳, 对于妖精或巫术之说,刑事主任哈德利压根儿从未相信过.
互联网Bilgewater Port - to the northwest - is the primary port of the Goblins in Isle of Kezan.
西北部 的漏水港是科赞岛上最主要的地精港口.
互联网She is feeding all the ghosts and goblins.
互联网Well, it is -- swarming with ghosts and goblins!
咳, 是闹鬼 —— 满屋是妖魔鬼怪!
互联网Confirms that Orc Shaman will sacrifice Goblins to regain mana.
互联网There were different kinds of evil spirits, such as goblins, ghosts, witches and vampires.
各式各样的鬼怪, 像妖精 、 鬼怪 、 女巫、及吸血鬼也跟著出现.
互联网Goblins attacked you, I take it.
地精袭击过您, 我猜.
互联网In fact, goblins are extremely clever and more than able to stand up to wizards.
实际上, 妖精聪明极了,完全有能力与巫师分庭抗礼.
互联网Ghosts, goblins, ghouls; witches, bats, and wolves.
魔怪 、 小妖 、 食尸鬼; 女巫 、 蝙蝠和恶狼.
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