Cape Jasmine Glucoside in preparation Ruda Liuwei San was determined by TLC - UV spectrophotometry here.
采用薄层 - 紫外法测定了蒙药如达六味散制剂中的栀子甙含量.
互联网Heart myositis and lobar anxiety patient are sensitive to strong heart glucoside, should notice dosage.
心肌炎及肺心病患者对强心甙敏感, 应注意用量.
互联网Glucose - glucose as a condensation of the key rules to 1, 6 - glucoside of the main keys.
聚葡萄糖为葡萄糖无规则键的缩聚物,以1, 6- 糖苷键结合为主.
互联网Glycol glucoside was prepared from glucose and ethylene glycol in the presence of acid catalyst.
互联网Glucosidase was immobilized by microencapsulation using interfacial crosslinking and employed in the biosynthesis of alkyl glucoside.
互联网The method has been used for the determination of glucose in α - methyl glucoside.
互联网And the reaction mechanism of aqueous organozirconium - polysaccharide was first deduced from Organozirconium with mannose glucoside.
互联网Make an investigation on haemolysis active of lauryl glucoside and hexadecyl glucoside.
互联网The heteropoly glucoside biological drilling fluid is a new drilling fluid.
互联网Amygdalin is a cyanogenetic glucoside.
互联网The soybean low polyose and the soap glucoside have the nutrition and the anti - nutrition dual function.
大豆低聚糖和皂甙具有营养和 抗 营养双重作用.
互联网It acted on cellobiose and PNP - � � - D - glucoside, and a little on PNP - � � - D - galactoside nnd PNP - � � S - D - xyloside.
此酶不仅能水解纤维二糖和对硝基苯 - β -D- 葡萄糖苷, 还能微弱地水解对硝基苯β-D- 半 乳糖苷和β -D- 木糖苷.
互联网The effect of the beta - glucoside enzyme relate to the consistency and the proportion.
外源β - 葡萄糖苷酶的作用效果与酶浓度和液叶比有关.
互联网This isbecause in the pineapple includes the biological glucoside and thepineapple proteinase.
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