What is this silly little gizmo on the bottom for?
期刊摘选Thanks to a new gizmo , you now need to face the music dance.
幸亏有一项新发明,现在手机没电的时候, 你只要临危不惧,翩翩起舞就了.
期刊摘选It's not naturaI to taIk into a pIastic gizmo to someone you can't even see!
电影对白That gizmo there is actually the key to move forward.
期刊摘选Thanks to a new gizmo, you now just need to face the music and dance.
幸亏有一项新发明,现在手机没电的时候, 你只要临危不惧,翩翩起舞就可以了.
期刊摘选This is modern Japan, a Gizmo Nation where even grandmothers make friends with their gadgets.
这就是现代的日本.在这个充满小发明的国家, 甚至年逾古稀的老妈妈都和身边的机械小玩艺儿交朋友.
期刊摘选There may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use.
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