Germany is the largest giver of aid among the wealthy countries of the West.
——柯林斯例句But the one who teaches the Dhamma is a giver of the Deathless.
——期刊摘选O Bearer of God, the Giver of Life, enliven me who am deadened by passions.
互联网He was a liberal giver to charities.
期刊摘选Therefore, the focus is no longer on the gift, but the Giver.
是以整件事的重点不再只是神赐与的物件本身, 而是这位赐与者.
期刊摘选Don't seek gifts that fade, break are lost but seek Giver, God himself.
不要寻找那些会消逝 、 破碎,丢失的礼物,而是寻找送礼物的人, 那就是上帝他自己.
期刊摘选Woman, once the sacred giver of life, was now the enemy.
女人起先是生命的给予者, 现在变成敌人.
期刊摘选And Princely giver , who hast brought the gold.
期刊摘选Both the husband and wife worked, so she was the main care giver for their child.
因为丈夫和妻子都需要出外工作, 因此孩子主要由她照顾.
期刊摘选The double flexible rapier consists of a giver and taker similar to the double rigid rapier.
期刊摘选If you're a good listener or advice giver, reach out to someonewho needs some guidance.
如果你善于倾听,是个很好的建议者, 那就试着和一些需要指引的人接触.
期刊摘选A cheerful giver is a great giver.
期刊摘选To return it empty would bring hunger to the house of the giver or the receiver.
期刊摘选When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver.
当你收到礼物时, 请不要抱怨礼物不好、怨送礼的人.
期刊摘选But most of us won't open the gift on the spot, unless asked by the giver.
而我们大多不会当着送礼人的面打开礼物包装, 除非送礼人要求对方这么做.
期刊摘选If the experience is shared by the giver and recipient, it brings them closer.
如果送礼人和受赠者共同分享这种经验, 则能让双方更亲密.
期刊摘选He was the leader and Law giver of Israel.
期刊摘选See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.
先审视一下自己是否配作一个馈赠者, 一件施与的工具.
期刊摘选A giver a vehicle, a giver of ease.
一个布施车辆者, 是布施安乐给别人的人.
期刊摘选See first you yourself deserve to be a giver and an instrument of giving.
期刊摘选Service is twice blessed , making the giver and the receiver happy.
布施(务)有两份恩宠, 他使施、双方一同快乐.
期刊摘选Are you a taker, or are you a giver, mister?
你是个捡破烂的还是来施舍的, 先生?
电影对白But I never stopped imagining who the giver might be.
期刊摘选In China, the opening of a gift in front of the giver is considered improper behavior.
在中国, 当着送礼人打开礼物是不妥之举.
期刊摘选God loves a generous and a cheerful giver.
期刊摘选Fortune is a giver and a taker.
《简明英汉词典》Snap into it, kids. I'll giver your candy when you finish.
快点干吧, 孩子, 干完了我给你们糖吃.
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