Caesarean section was performed successfully on them at 34,38 and 37 gestational weeks, respectively.
互联网Note the age, gravida para, and gestational age.
记录年龄, 孕次, 产次和孕周.
互联网The study included 345 pregnant women gestational diabetes and 800 pregnant women without gestational diabetes.
互联网For women with diet - treated gestational diabetes odds ratio of having a child with cryptorchidism was 3.98.
互联网Objective : To investigate the effect of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus GDM on and infant health.
目的: 探讨妊娠期糖尿病对母婴的影响.
互联网You might check a woman who has gestational diabetes even more often than that.
互联网Pregnant women may develop gestational diabetes, which can be temporary.
怀孕的妇女可能会得妊辰型糖尿病, 不过这是暂时得.
互联网Hypertensive disorder complication pregnancy is a characteristic disease during gestational period.
互联网With the increase in gestational age , fetal movement is also increasing.
随着孕周增加, 胎动也在增加.
互联网Sixteen ( 29.6 % ) newborn were small for gestational age.
16例 ( 29.6% ) 新生儿为小于胎龄儿.
互联网Results: T he major dangerous factors were gestational anemia, urge to produce, fetal macrosomia, PIH.
结果主要危险因素为妊娠贫血 、 催产 、 巨大儿 、 妊高征.
互联网Objective and Methods: Ultrasonographic study external ear in 206 fetuses of 20 - 40 week gestational ages.
目的与方法: 报告206例胎龄 20-40 周胎儿外耳的超声显像检测.
互联网Conclusion Gestational age is the major factor affecting the incidence and survival rate of NEC.
互联网Objective : To research the clinical effect of combined spinal - epidural anesthesia on parturients with gestational hypertension.
目的: 探讨妊娠高血压疾病产妇行腰麻硬膜外联合麻醉的临床效应.
互联网Gestational age, last menstrual period, estimated date of confinement.
孕周, 末次月经, 预产期.
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