There is a difference among genotype in ratio of ARS to WRS.
有效吸收面积ARS与根系总表面积WRS的 比值具有品种间的差异.
互联网Only the patients carrying the allele M 235 T have correlation between genotype DD of ACE and preeclampsia.
——期刊摘选However, the DD genotype and D allele had higher frequency in NIDDM with retinopathy than without.
DD型与D等位基因在DR( +)组出现频率高,DR(+)组与DR( -)组相比,基因型及等位基因分布差异具显著性.
——期刊摘选Table 2 . The frequencies of ACE genotype and allele.
表 2. 各组血管紧张素转换酶基因型和等位基因频率的比较.
——期刊摘选The bb, aa or tt genotype will increase the susceptibility of vitiligo.
携带维生素D受体 基因纯合子bb 、 aa或tt基因型 可能会增加对白癜风的易感性.
互联网In truly doubtful cases, only test crosses will reveal the actual genotype.
在确实可疑的情况下, 只有通过杂交试验才能揭示出真正的基因型.
辞典例句The Jining Grey does with genotype FG had 0.76 ( P & lt; 0.05 ) kids more than those with genotype FF.
FG基因型济宁青山羊产羔数最小二乘均值比FF基因型的多0.76只 ( P & lt; 0.05 ).
互联网Nucleotide 1858 variation appeared in serotype Adw, as well as genotype A, F and H genome sequences.
而Nt1858位(T-C )变异见于Adw血清型,和A 、 F、H基因型.
互联网It was concluded that XD 011 was the strongest Cdtolerant genotype among the tested fifteen peanut genotypes.
互联网AG genotype with high frequency of 58 % , AA and GG genotype frequency was 33 % and 9 % for separate.
其次是AA基因型, 基因型频率分别为33%. GG基因型频率为9%.
互联网Genotype: Genetic makeup of an organism.
基因型: 一个生物体的遗传组成.
期刊摘选Conclusion M. tuberculosis strains of Beijing Genotype are prevailing in Henan at present.
期刊摘选Analyse the genotype of the target genes using PCR.
期刊摘选Results CC genotype was not found both in CVD and control group.
期刊摘选Those who smoked heavily and had the susceptible genotype had an even higher risk.
期刊摘选Statistical analysis indicated that AA genotype had significant higher weaning weight than BB and AB genotype ( P & lt; 0.05 ).
对突变位点产生的不同基因型与体重进行分析表明:AA型个体的断乳重显著高于BB型和AB型 ( P & lt; 005 ).
期刊摘选Table 2. The distribution of apolipoprotein E genotype and gene frequencies in hypertensive patients and controls.
表2. 高血压病组与对照组载脂蛋白E基因型及等位基因频率分布情况.
期刊摘选Results The genotype of mixed infection was genotype 1 and 3.
期刊摘选The Bsm I genotype VDR gene were nonassociated with BMD in female.
期刊摘选Objective Purpose right native Tibetan hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) genotype and clinical characteristics were analyzed.
目的对世居藏族乙肝病毒 ( HBV ) 的基因型及其临床特点进行分析.
期刊摘选To study association the serum levels and genotype of integrin and its recepter with stroke.
期刊摘选A gene can have many alleles and individuals can have a homozygous or heterozygous genotype.
期刊摘选The genotype of the individual is permanently set.
辞典例句In North America, there are six terrestrial animal genotypes, including the raccoon virus genotype.
在北美洲有六个陆生动物基因型, 包括浣熊病毒基因型.
期刊摘选The results indicated the browning rate was different because of different genotype materials.
期刊摘选With the decrease of genotype entropy, the genetic diversity degree of population also decreases.
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