Georgia 格鲁吉亚;乔治亚州;
The Ge - depleted liquid phase is advantageously returned to the GeCl 4 converting process.
互联网Finally the refractive indices are converted into Ge concentrations.
互联网GE's Mac 400 ECG incorporates the latest technology.
——期刊摘选The Ge concentration was obtained by Rutherford backscattering.
互联网Yet some financial analysts are still fretting that GE Capital's portfolio may contain more nasty surprises.
互联网At GE, what we imagine, we can make happen.
在GE, 我们将想象变成现实.
互联网Ge nanocrystal memory device can be programmed at a relatively low voltage and high speed.
Ge纳米晶嵌入高k介质 中既可以提高器件的可靠性又可以降低写入电压和提高存储速度.
互联网Shrinking it would lessen the threat to GE's cash - pumping industrial operations, but not remove it altogether.
缩减其规模只能降低它对GE整个融资产业操作的威胁, 但却始终无法根除这种威胁.
互联网The development and technology for complex material fan blade of GE were introduced and analyzed simply.
互联网This GE computer we were connected to cost four million dollars.
互联网GE's hybrid industrial - financial model was supposed to be a superior version of the type.
互联网Without doubt, the electrical products missions would have as a comfort to most people in GE.
无疑, 电气产品设计者的使命让绝大多数GE人感觉舒服.
互联网So does this mean that GE should be broken up?
那么这是否就表明GE金融 应该和GE分家 呢 ?
互联网GE Capital in its heyday about 50 % of the company's revenue.
互联网The GE oxidation test method was presented.
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