genu corpus callosum 胼胝体膝;
This FAQ does concentrate on using GCC compiler however.
另外,本FAQ也不专注于使用GCC编译器 方面的事情.
互联网With content of GCC increase, the paper strength increases, but whiteness and content of ash decreases.
随着研磨碳酸钙含量提高, 卷烟纸强度性能提高, 但白度、灰分和透气度指标有所降低.
互联网The use of the arm uClinux - uClibc - gcc, NFS - based download debugging mode, embedded developers understand the basic process.
使用uClinux的arm-uclibc-gcc编译, 使用基于NFS方式的下载调试, 了解嵌入式开发的基本过程.
互联网With the appropriate ratio between GCC and PCC price benefit and good properties will be acquired.
互联网Jay Yang and his students perform in a concert at the GCC studio.
互联网The factors which influence surface - modified - GCC were studied , and determined the optimum modification agent.
研究重质碳酸钙表面改性的影响因素, 确定了最优改性剂.
互联网Prepare audit material for GCC auditors and feedback upon their inquiring.
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