During the mold design, gating system and cooling system designed and optimized with CAE technology.
互联网Why are we wringing about the demise of paper the economic gating factor for ideas?
——期刊摘选Gating Mastery Gating ability becomes more potent, bringing 30 % more reinforcements than normal.
召唤门卫召唤之门技能更有效, 提高召唤援军的30%.
期刊摘选Understands high efficiency gating and gradient cooling techniques via mold insulation wrapping.
期刊摘选The shrinkage hole in the casting can be effectively eliminated by using the cross gating system.
互联网Bottom - gating provides a smooth flow of metal into the mold.
互联网The newly developed method of gating system design for zinc alloy in die casting is introduced.
互联网A modified approach to combine the Bayesian estimation and the hard gating is proposed.
互联网Note: Fast gating of sustained low frequency signals can result in " chattering. "
注意: 对相同的低频信号,设置噪声门过快会导致 “ 喘息声 ”.
互联网Common Sidechain applications include keyed gating, frequency - sensitive gating and frequency - weighted compression.
普通的边链应用包括键控噪声门门, 频率敏感门和频率加重门压缩.
互联网Gating arrangements may also be made at the top or bottom of the cavity.
互联网Stereo or Dual Mono operation of gating, compression and peak limiting.
立体声或双单声噪声门, 压缩和峰值限制操作.
互联网The technique was compared with clipping and gating techniques.
互联网Clock gating is an efficient way of reducing dynamic power consumption in digital circuits.
互联网Design and characteristics of gating system for cast iron in Spain automobiles have been described.
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