This wizard formats your Gantt bar chart to look exactly the way you want it.
互联网Give the arithmetic examples of flow shop and job shop , and show their schedule Gantt pictures.
针对流水调度和作业调度给出了算法实例, 并且绘制出了流水和作业调度的甘特图.
互联网Click to cancel renaming the Gantt bar style.
互联网The selected shape is not a valid Gantt Chart project shape.
互联网Select a Gantt chart or shapes contained in a chart and re - execute this command.
互联网The'^ 1'Gantt Chart can be displayed in the Views Section, to show users project data.
“^1”甘特图可以显示在“视图”部分, 以显示用户的项目数据.
互联网Drag onto the page to begin a new Gantt Chart project schedule.
互联网Optional - overrides resource name in gantt view.
可选 -- 覆盖甘特图的资源名称.
互联网Click to keep the current name of the selected Gantt Chart.
互联网For more information about formatting your Gantt Chart, search Help for Gantt Chart.
有关设置甘特图格式的详细信息, 请搜索甘特图的“帮助”.
互联网The dynamic Gantt chart is easier to use, which speeds the decision making procedure.
该动态甘特图具有形象 、 直观和易于决策等特点.
互联网Cancel Gantt chart creation and delete chart?
互联网Click to accept the new name of the selected Gantt Chart.
互联网Scroll the Gantt chart to the start of the selected project.
互联网The ^ 1 Gantt Chart can be displayed in the Views section to show users project information.
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