Kangqing Selenium and Selenium Polysaccharide could a - gainst the effects of arsenic.
互联网The people of town armed themselves a gainst all possible attack.
互联网The biochemical war goes a - gainst humanity and international conventions, and its harm is for long.
生化战伤害不是一般的战争伤害:一是它的极端反人道性,二是它的严重违背国际公约 性, 三是它的战后长期遗害性.
互联网Patten said the most important way thea - gainst global terrorism was by restoring peace the Middle East.
互联网The parson prayed'gainst pride and sin.
互联网Finally, in 1903, he built a car which was fast enough to race a - gainst other cars.
1903年, 他终于造出了一辆汽车,这辆汽车速度之快,足可以与其它汽车一争高下.
互联网Really, what we want now, is not laws , against crime, but a law a - gainst insaity.
实际上, 我们想要的不是针对犯罪的法律, 而是针对疯狂的法律.
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