
  • 释义
  • 未来的;未来派的;未来主义的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Tony Leung Chiu Wai stars a futuristic fantasy about the impossibility of romantic love.


  • 2、

    The futuristic objects and water shapes a sensual juxtaposition to the cypress trees.


  • 3、

    Here, I portrait the red chess chariot with a steam punk with bit futuristic robot style.

    在图的是象棋里的红色车棋子, 我把红色车棋子设计为未来科幻和水蒸汽式的机械人战车.

  • 4、

    A futuristic zoo within one large cage where everything runs wild, including the observing Homo sapiens.

    一个罩在大笼子的未来动物园,所有的事物, 包括进行观察活动的智人种类,都可以自然地发展.

  • 5、

    Futuristic though this sounds, FSO is by no means a new idea.

    尽管这听起来都是未来发生的事情, 但无线光通信技术并不是什么新概念.

  • 6、

    Following the futuristic The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood's seventh novel, Cat's Eye, returns to more familiar territory.


  • 7、

    This article presents innovative, futuristic gadgets, devices, designs and concepts.

    这篇文章提出了创新的, 未来的小玩意, 设备, 设计及概念.

  • 8、

    She writes futuristic novels about voyages to distant galaxies.


  • 9、

    Margaret Atwood's novel depicts a gloomy, futuristic America.


  • 10、

    Desperate for freedom, he steals a futuristic race car and makes his escape.

    出于对自由的绝望, 他偷盗未来车开始逃亡.

  • 11、

    Cyberwarfare, a futuristic colection of ideas that range from clever to absurd.

    计算机战, 包括未来学家的各种猜想,其中有些是奇思妙想,有些是无稽之谈.

  • 12、

    The same game, wrapped as futuristic fighters in a blood tournament, is much easier to understand.

    同一个游戏, 如果把它包装成未来战士们在进行一个死亡竞赛, 这就很好理解了.

  • 13、

    Gaines is not referring to the futuristic exterior.


  • 14、

    The Hong Kong dollar futuristic design is full of unique features.


  • 15、

    So we cornered him to get more on his next futuristic wargame.


  • 16、

    Cyberwarfare, a futuristic collection of ideas that range from clever to absurd.


  • 17、

    The theatre is a futuristic steel and glass structure.


  • 18、

    The Electric Touch is a futuristic waterproof device!


  • 19、

    Her novel depicts a futuristic America.


  • 20、

    Head out on a futuristic mission to search the galaxy for planets able to support life.


  • 21、

    Behind the wall , wood foam board and lights for futuristic display panel.

    走廊背后, 可以看到木板、墙板、以及未来显示幕的光源:两颗灯泡.

  • 22、

    Shoppers were stunned when the gang drew their futuristic and began the melee on Saturday afternoon.


  • 23、

    Weird, futuristic, idealistic and anything different will be occupying the mind of the Water Bearer.


  • 24、

    An animated depiction of Pangea Ultima demonstrates a bold exercise in futuristic thinking.


  • 25、

    Colours for spring are set to be futuristic and very retro.

