
  • 释义
  • n.


  • vt.


  • vi.


  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Cornelius Fudge: Dolores Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts.

    康奈利·福吉: 多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇取代阿不思·邓布利多成为霍格沃茨的校长.

  • 2、

    Cornelius Fudge : Now write your name only.


  • 3、

    Cornelius Fudge wears a pinstriped cloak, a violet top hat, emerald green trousers, etc.

    康奈利?福吉穿着细条纹斗篷 、 紫罗兰礼帽 、 翡翠绿裤子等等.

  • 4、

    Fudge the figures; cook the books; falsify the data.

    伪造数字; 伪造帐本; 伪造数据.

  • 5、

    This solution is a fudge rushed in to win cheers at the party conference.


  • 6、

    The oxidizer salt ( or salts ) is dissolvedxc in water to form a solution of fudge point around 50℃.

    氧化剂盐 ( 一种或数种 ) 溶解在水中,形成软化点为50℃的溶液.

  • 7、

    We could get hot fudge sundaes.


  • 8、

    I've got a good recipe for fudge.


  • 9、

    The temptation to fudge the figures or lie to prolong life becomes overwhelming.


  • 10、

    They have tended to fudge on matters of economic policy.


  • 11、

    He is not asas the girl said he did not fudge it will not disappear?

    他不是说过只要丫头不做傻事他就不会消失的 吗 ?

  • 12、

    I want you to take Mrs. GIoop up to the Fudge Room, okay?

    我想让你带格鲁普女士带到软糖车间, 好 吗 ?

  • 13、

    Linda Rhoades bought the fudge during a bake sale.


  • 14、

    Chocolate fudge is one of my favorite candies.


  • 15、

    When Matson snacked on a piece of the fudge, he bit into something hard — the ring.

    当马森拿一块软糖当点心吃时, 他咬到硬物—戒指.

  • 16、

    Another favorite is fudge, a rich chocolate treat.

    另一个大家的最爱是乳胶糖, 这是一种浓郁巧克力的糖果.

  • 17、

    That thinking it a apotheosis as benignancy of Tang's annihilating Xia, was purely the Confucian fudge.

    后世以汤伐葛为行仁义之师的典范, 纯是儒家之造作.

  • 18、

    He had to fudge a reply because he didn't know the right answer.


  • 19、

    This strikes me as another giant fudge.


  • 20、

    " I love it. Vanilla. With chocolate fudge, please. "

    “ 我爱冰激凌. 香草. 请加巧克力. ”

  • 21、

    A chocolate fudge bar, that'll do me!

    对我来说, 一块巧克力软糖就可以了!

  • 22、

    But in reality, we fudge a middle ground.

    但在现实中, 我们以中间立场来应付.

  • 23、

    Customer: Yes , please . Hot fudge and almonds.

    顾客: 要的, 劳驾. 巧克力酱和杏仁.

  • 24、

    Oh fudge, she says they can't come.

    哦,胡说, 她说他们不能来.

  • 25、

    Favorite desserts are chocolate cream pie and, of, an ice cream sundae with hot fudge sauce.

    最受欢迎的甜点是巧克力奶油派, 一种加乳脂沙司的冰淇淋圣代.

  • 26、

    " Oho!'said Fudge. " Not our business what he does at school, eh? You think so? "

    “ 哦! ” 福吉说, “ 他在学校的行为不用我们管, 嗯? 你这样认为? ”

  • 27、

    Fudge is somewhat weak, swayed by money and addicted to his own position and privilege.

    福吉看起来有几分软弱, 喜欢钱,迷恋地位和权利.

  • 28、

    Cancer knits sweaters and makes fudge for the neighborhood.

