The Genevieve key ring sparkles with Amethyst , Fuchsia , Jet , Violet, clear crystals, and red enamel.
红色搪瓷上的装饰配搭紫色, 紫红色,黑色, 紫罗兰色和透明的水晶.
——期刊摘选Double dark fuchsia star. dark green, beige, light green and pink, plain, quilted. Large.
重瓣深樱红色星形花. 深绿色, 灰褐色, 亮绿色和粉红色组合成的平坦斑叶, 叶脉向上气状突起.大型.
——期刊摘选This fuchsia ruche chiffon blouse is a little too dramatic.
——期刊摘选Double pink with fuchsia edge over dark green variegated foliage. Miniature.
重瓣的粉红色花,镶樱红色的边.深绿色斑叶. 迷你型.
——期刊摘选Double pink and fuchsia. Variegated, plain. Standard.
重瓣的粉红色和樱红色花. 一般型斑叶. 标准型.
——期刊摘选Semidouble variable white and fuchsia fringed. Ruffled. Standard.
——期刊摘选Lovely double blossoms of bright rose to fuchsia. Dark symmetrical foliage . Miniature.
明亮的玫瑰色到樱红色重瓣花. 深绿色叶.迷你型.
——期刊摘选Double fuchsia large star. Medium green, ovate. Standard.
重瓣樱红色大朵星形花. 中绿色圆形叶. 标准型.
——期刊摘选Semidouble light fuchsia. Medium green, pointed. Semiminiature trailer.
半重瓣明亮的樱红色花. 中绿色尖型叶.半迷你悬垂型.
——期刊摘选Rhoda's willowy figure, modish straw hat, and fuchsia gloves and shoes surprised Janice.
罗达的苗条身材, 时髦的草帽, 紫红色的手套和鞋使杰妮丝有些惊讶.
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