
  • 释义
  • 闷的,肮脏的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Be careful when Li Yu is frowsty, how should abreact come out?

    当心里郁闷的时候, 要怎么发泄出来?

  • 2、

    I am to be in Shanghai, often feel how pectoral frowsty be discouraged a responsibility recently?

    我是在上海, 最近老感觉胸闷气短怎么回事 啊 ?

  • 3、

    Respiratory system symptom sees cough , cough up phlegm, haemoptysis, bosom unwell, bosom is frowsty etc.

    呼吸系统症状可见咳嗽、咯痰 、 咯血 、 胸部不适 、 胸闷等.

  • 4、

    Armour says: " Weather is so hot, do not open a window, of can frowsty dead! "

    甲说: “ 天气那么热, 不打开窗户, 会闷死人的! ”

  • 5、

    Why can the symptom with frowsty bosom appear during is tuberculosis treated?


  • 6、

    a small frowsty office

