
  • 释义
  • 霜状白糖,玻璃粉,无光泽面;结霜;起霜;镶饰;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Frosting occurs when two fibers differing in both color and abrasion resistance are combined a fabric.


  • 2、

    The frosting particle, the saccharomycetes butcher dissolves the product extraction, Austria seaweed extraction.

    磨砂微粒, 酵母菌胞溶产物提取物, 奥氏海藻提取物.

  • 3、

    You can prepare the frosting while cake still bakes.


  • 4、

    Currently always craving, chocolate chiffon cake with chocolate frosting.


  • 5、

    It was a moist , pineapple filled yellow cake with a light , creamy frosting.

    蛋糕是黄色的, 有菠萝, 上面是一层奶油糖霜.

  • 6、

    Apply frosting fur using a decorating bag and nozzle.


  • 7、

    A design and economic optimization of ammonia cooler under frosting condition is provided in this paper.


  • 8、

    It's already the smoothest frosting I have ever done in my short baking life.


  • 9、

    A sauce , frosting, or garnish for food.

    浇头食物上面的调料, 奶油或装饰物.

  • 10、

    Let me introduce you . They stand top layer of butter cream frosting.


  • 11、

    This may cause frosting on the outside of the cylinder at the liquid level.


  • 12、

    Other raw materials such as calcium fluoride, barium salts, potassium, sodium, calcium, salt favour of frosting.

    其他材料如氟化钙 、 钡盐, 氟硅酸钾 、 钠 、 钙 、 钡盐有利于蒙砂.

  • 13、

    They stand at the top of layer butter cream frosting. The secret of their success?

    他们站在奶油淇淋上面, 他们成功的秘密?

  • 14、

    Moonlight was frosting the dew, and an old sundial threw a long shadow.

    月光把露水照得雪白, 一座旧日规投出一条长长的影子.

  • 15、

    According to Finnegan, they invited other dogs and served a dog biscuit cake , complete with frosting.

    据Finnegan说, 他们不但邀请其它狗,而且提供狗饼干连同无光泽面粉.

  • 16、

    They stand on the top layer of butter cream frosting.


  • 17、

    His hand is turning white and frosting over.


  • 18、

    Abrupt chain was broken, pocket watch is dropped go up, frosting broke!

    忽然间链子断了, 怀表掉在地上, 玻璃粉碎了!

  • 19、

    Through the screen printing process, you can get the frosting surface floor empty pattern.

    通过丝印加工, 可以得到蒙砂面的楼空图案.

  • 20、

    Frosted glass is prepared by frosting powder on sale, into which water and acids were added.

    对市售的蒙砂粉和作者研制的蒙砂粉,加入水和酸, 配置成蒙砂液,以制备蒙砂玻璃.

  • 21、

    She smiled and winked as I bit into the moist chocolate frosting.


  • 22、

    The cake must be very tasty, as there is sugar frosting on it.

    这种糕点一定很好吃, 上面有一层白色的糖霜.

  • 23、

    You know, if you eat all the frosting there won't be any left for Grandma.

