冻干( freeze-dry的现在分词 );
For these cases lyophilization or freeze drying is available.
辞典例句Method: Collagen - heparin sulfate scaffold was produced by freeze - drying.
互联网Porous poly ( l lactic acid ) ( PLLA ) scaffolds were fabricated using leaching and freeze drying combined leaching process.
分别采用粒子滤出法和冷冻干燥粒子滤出复合法制备了 聚乳酸 多孔支架.
互联网CONCLUSION The freeze drying powder of total flavonoids in hawthorn leaf can markedly relieve myocardial ischemia.
互联网Freeze - drying is a key technology during the production of starter culture of lactic acid bacteria.
冷冻干燥 是生产商品化乳酸菌发酵剂的一项关键技术.
互联网When nucleolar crisp, white section, divide easily cracked, they can buy freeze - drying ventilation Department collections.
当核仁变脆 、 断面洁白, 隔膜易碎裂时, 即可置冷冻干燥通风处收藏.
互联网METHODS: Vacuum freeze drying and drying were adopted. The content of gastrodin was determined by RP - HPLC .
方法: 采用RP -HPLC 法测定真空冷冻干燥法和传统的水煮烘干法加工后的天麻中的天麻素的含量,并比较两者的外观特征.
互联网Methods : TotanshinoneIIA Nano - liposomes were prepared by freeze - melt, reverse phase evaporation and ultrasonic bath - refining - freeze - drying .
分别采用冻融法 、 逆相蒸发法、超声 - 匀浆 - 冷冻干燥 法制备丹参酮IIA纳米脂质体.
互联网Although freezing or freeze - drying of allografts improves acceptance, their failure rate is still too high.
尽管冷冻或者冻干异体骨可以提高移植后的相容性, 其失败率仍然很高.
互联网Mathematical modeling has become a powerful tool parametric optimization of a freeze - drying process.
建立 冷冻干燥 过程数学模型是模拟和优化干燥过程的重要途径之一.
互联网Freeze drying food has become all over the world and a new type of processed foods.
互联网The stability of liposomes during freeze - drying , rehydration, storage and the mechanism of the lyoprotectants are discussed.
讨论了脂质体在 冷冻干燥 、 复水化及贮存过程中的稳定性,并介绍了冻干保护剂的作用机理.
互联网Conclusion: The method of freeze - drying we adopted is extremely correctly and effectively.
结论: 采用的 冷冻干燥 的方法是非常正确而行之有效的.
互联网Freeze - drying process is an advanced technique for the production of ultrafine powder.
冷冻干燥 是制备超细磁粉的一种先进技术,它可使磁粉的分散性能得到明显改善.
互联网The primary drying and the secondary drying are two important stages of a freeze - drying process.
升华干燥和解析干燥是 冷冻干燥 过程的两个重要阶段.
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