Hermann Ebbinghaus and Frederic Bartlett , two poineers of memory research are in the day of as - sociationism.
互联网Frederic Chopin stayed in this room during his visit.
互联网But Frederic Neumann , an economist at HSBC, sees tentative signs that spending is picking up.
但汇丰银行的经济学家 FredericNaumann 看到了消费正在回升的暂时性的迹象.
互联网Piano poet Frederic Francois Chopin combined them perfectly.
互联网Frederic Bastiat could have easily been a fellow traveler of thesigners of our Declaration of Independence.
互联网Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport is named for Chopin; so is asteroid 3784 Chopin.
华沙的肖邦机场以肖邦的名字命名; 第3784颗小行星也被命名为肖邦.
互联网The composer and pianist Frederic Francois Chopin was born near Warsaw, Poland, in 1810.
互联网General Frederic Chelmsford is the man responsible for the fatal decision that leads to the massacre.
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