It is the very fountainhead of Chinese poetry and also the earliest anthology of Chinese poems.
——期刊摘选Core ability is traffic transportation enterprises competes continuously the fountainhead of the advantage.
——期刊摘选But Adam was different, for he was the fountainhead of the whole human race.
但是亚当是不同的, 因为他是整个人类的起源.
——期刊摘选Article 6 No development activities shall be allowed within the radius of the fountainhead.
——期刊摘选Team and group is the fountainhead of industry vitality.
——期刊摘选Water has its fountainhead and tree has its root.
——期刊摘选Where does cordiallystem from? Maybe very great section the fountainhead to literature.
“诚挚”来源于哪里? 也许很大一部分来源泉于文学.
——期刊摘选Staff's creativity is a fountainhead which the enterprise growsstrong.
——期刊摘选We can get a lot of beneficial enlightenment in the productivity fountainhead theory from Marx.
——期刊摘选He dives into thethe maternal principle of unconsciousness, and reaches the nourishing fountainhead of life.
诉诸女性原则的无意识,回归生命原质的水, 以实玛利经受了灵魂的洗礼和情感的涤荡.
——期刊摘选From its fountainhead, the trickles gradually converged into today's profound ocean.
它从源头的点点滴滴, 终于汇成了今天的汪洋大海.
——期刊摘选Competition as adjust the mechanism of the market, it is the fountainhead of market economy vigor.
竞争作为调节市场的机制, 是市场经济活力的源泉.
——期刊摘选Fountainhead Christian Charitable Association, Box 117 , 3517 Kennedy Road , Unit 2 , Scarborough, Ontario M 1 V 4 Y 3, Canada.
本协会将发出正式收据, 作为加拿大政府认可慈善免税捐款.
——期刊摘选Unless controlled the quality of musical file from fountainhead, otherwise inextricability.
除非从源头上控制了音乐文件的质量, 否则无法解决.
——期刊摘选The conclusion is that gear and bearing s fault are mostly fault s fountainhead.
——期刊摘选Practice is the fountainhead of knowledge.
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