
  • 释义
  • (艺术、宗教等方面的)形式主义;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Unlike the previous formalism it is only applicable to polarized waves.


  • 2、

    We discuss in more detail the application of the coupledmode formalism to scalar waveguide deformations.


  • 3、

    Literariness and Estrangement are the focuses and embodiments of Russian formalism literary theory.


  • 4、

    In general jurisprudence, we might associate the ex post perspective with legal formalism.

    在一般法理学领域内, 我们可能会将事后视角与法律形式主义联系在一起.

  • 5、

    Formalism and functionalism are two rival approaches to grammar study.


  • 6、

    Formalism, by being an'ism,'kills form by hugging it to death ( Peter Viereck )

    形式主义, 因为成为了一种‘主义’, 就把形式拥抱得太紧而杀死了它 ( 彼得·维莱克 )

  • 7、

    Formalism and functionalism are distinct research traditions.


  • 8、

    Current, maintain the connection of flesh and blood of party and people, must overcome formalism, bureaucratism.

    当前, 保持党与人民群众的血肉联系, 必须克服形式主义 、 官僚主义.

  • 9、

    Can Formalism and Functionalism Communicate with Each Other?

    形式主义和功能主义可以对话 吗 ?

  • 10、

    The development of formalism is contrary to the spirit of the legislation.


  • 11、

    The main source of bad style, mainly in formalism and bureaucracy.

    不良文风的总根源, 主要在于形式主义和官僚主义.

  • 12、

    We flatly reject all aesthetic speculation, all doctrine, and any kind of formalism.

    “我们反对一切审美方面的虚夸, 教条和形式主义.”原文如下.

  • 13、

    Because I was hurt from these, so, in nature, I opposed against formalism firmly.

    因为深受其害, 所以从本质上我是坚决反对形式主义的!

  • 14、

    Having too many deputy posts leads to low efficiency and contributes to bureaucracy and formalism.


  • 15、

    This is what is called formalism.


  • 16、

    Formalism is a kind of bureaucratism.


  • 17、

    Hold to the mass line of the party, close tie masses, must overcome formalism, bureaucratism stoutly.

    坚持党的群众路线, 密切联系群众, 必须坚决克服形式主义 、 官僚主义.

  • 18、

    To formalism, people allthe ages is deep evil painful definitely.

    对于形式主义, 人们历来深恶痛决.

  • 19、

    Montesquieu's sociological " formalism " is insensitive to the problems of genesis and change.

    孟德斯鸠的社会学的 “ 形态论 ” 对发生和演变的问题漠不关心.

  • 20、

    Its imperfectness, formalism are where its life lies.

    它的不完美, 形式主义正是它的生命所在.

  • 21、

    Radiation effects relevant to this formalism are additive.


  • 22、

    But ethics without practical application only lead to the sterile formalism and abstractionism of scholastic thought.


  • 23、

    As early as 1928, Bakhtin made critical comment on the formalism of the communication mode.

    早在1928年, 巴赫金就对形式主义者提出的交际模式进行了批判.

  • 24、

    General Formalism for Chemical Reaction Networks . Metabolic Flux Analysis.

    5化学反应网路的一般形式. 代谢流通量分析.

  • 25、

    One of the oldest types of aesthetic theory is that of formalism.


  • 26、

    One of our problems today is formalism.


  • 27、

    Formalism was become catch the archenemy that fulfil, became influence reform, development, stable formidable enemy.

    形式主义成了抓落实的大敌, 成了影响改革 、 发展 、 稳定的大敌.

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