丧失抵押品赎回权,排斥( foreclosure的名词复数 );
The risk that those foreclosures will depress prices further may keep some potential buyers sidelines.
——期刊摘选Less emphasis on mortgage payments portend higher delinquency rates and perhaps even more foreclosures.
——期刊摘选We have got to start helping homeowners , in a serious way, to prevent foreclosures.
我们必须开始以十分严肃的方式来帮助房主, 防止他们丧失房屋赎回权.
互联网Foreclosures are still shooting up as loans go bad.
互联网We can certainly see a massive rise in foreclosures and rapidly dropping home prices as well.
互联网Don't Blame the Economy: Defaults and foreclosures are rising despite a relatively strong economy.
不怪经济: 违约和止赎上升,但相对强劲的经济.
互联网Foreclosures place downward pressure on house prices, contributing to a vicious cycle of economic pain.
大量的止赎将进一步打压房价, 触发新一轮的恶性循环.
互联网For home prices, the risk is clearly to the downside given mounting foreclosures.
对房价来说, 风险很显然是不断增多的止赎带来的下行压力.
互联网There is also a $ 50 bn plan to prevent foreclosures by modifying mortgage loans.
互联网Here's the problem: Foreclosures are still occurring more than twice as often as sales.
问题在这里: 房屋的断供超过销售的两倍.
互联网Political momentum is also building to prevent a surge of foreclosures.
互联网A wave of foreclosures is damping consumer spending and spreading anger.
互联网As foreclosures increase, they drag the average price of homes in a neighborhood down.
随着止赎住房增加, 它们会拖累同一街区的平均房价走低.
互联网If interest rates go up, won't foreclosures rise?
柯林斯例句Helping the unemployed meet house payments reduces foreclosures, addressing one the underlying causes of the crisis.
帮助失业者交上房贷,能减少房屋断供而被拍卖的情形, 从而解决造成这场危机的根本性原因之一.
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