Follicle dehiscent; mature carpels tappering to the base , apex papillate.
果开裂, 成熟心皮向基部变狭, 上部多疣.
——期刊摘选The follicle produces the hormone estrogen and contains a maturing egg.
——期刊摘选Objective To investigate the clinical features of infertile women ovulated with small follicle ( OSF ).
目的分析不明原因不孕患者小卵泡排卵 ( ovulatedwithsmallfollicle,OSF ) 的临床特征.
互联网Virtually all developing animal ova are surrounded by helper cells, either follicle cells or nurse cells.
实际上,所有发育过程中的卵都辅助细胞环绕, 要么是滤泡细胞,要么是抚育细胞.
——期刊摘选Sebaceous glands are special glands attached to the hair follicle.
——期刊摘选Note the lymphoid follicle at the right center.
——期刊摘选A plug of keratin and sebum within a hair follicle that is blackened at the surface.
'黑'.''头粉刺在带毛小囊内由角朊和脂肪组成的粉刺,表面''.'呈'. ''黑色.
——期刊摘选Objective To observe dermal papilla cells inducing hair follicle regeneration and hair follicle reconstruction.
——期刊摘选This showed that the DNES cells in follicle released amount o.
——期刊摘选Each follicle contains a germinal center populated by rapidly proliferating B cells and macrophages.
——期刊摘选About 32 hours after the onset of this LH the dominant follicle releases ( ovulates ) its egg.
黄体 生成素 高峰后约32小时,优势卵泡释放一个卵子即排卵.
——期刊摘选Objective To study the follicle mite infection in young students of Shanxi.
——期刊摘选Baby's tooth follicle the premature calcification will sprout in the palace.
——期刊摘选Objective To investigate the location and proliferation of human hair follicle stem cells.
——期刊摘选Arrector Pil: Each hair follicle has a tiny muscle called the arrector pili attached to it.
立毛肌: 每一个发囊下面连着一个很小的肌肉叫做立毛肌.
——期刊摘选Ovulation is the release of a single, mature egg from follicle that developed in the ovary.
——期刊摘选This lens can magnify the diameter of the hair follicle by ten times.
——期刊摘选Together , the hair follicle and sebaceous gland are often referred to as the pilosebaceous follicle.
——期刊摘选Pollen allergy, freckles, hair follicle plugged bacterial infections, skin wrinkles have smaller, better use.
花粉过敏, 雀斑, 毛囊堵塞,细菌感染者, 皮肤产生细小皱纹者, 使用更佳.
——期刊摘选A relation exists between wound healing and hair follicle numbers in local skin.
——期刊摘选We observe patients with follicle worms.
——期刊摘选We never knew how an follicle regulated these hormones.
——期刊摘选英语网 · 双语新闻
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