
  • 释义
  • 地板(总称);

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    This kind of floorBoard gives people a feeling of smoothness and quietness.


  • 2、

    He walked gingerly over the rotten floorboard.


  • 3、

    This line is applicable to the continuous extruding of PVC door plate elbow board and floorboard.


  • 4、

    She heard a floorboard creak upstairs.


  • 5、

    Rochester: Well I drop it through the floorboard and pray for an open manhole.

    罗彻斯特: 哦,我把链子穿过车底板扔出车外,然后就指望碰上个路面上打开的检修孔.

  • 6、

    A shadow moves across the wall. A floorboard creaks.

    一道影子从墙上飘过, 地板发出吱吱的响声.

  • 7、

    Party constitution, it is the creed of the party and the floorboard that organize constitution.

    党章, 是党的纲领和组织章程的总称.

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