They are removed more readily by chemical flocculation, activated carbon absorption and ion exchange.
通过化学絮凝, 活性炭吸咐及离子交换得容易将它们除去.
辞典例句Color paste's dispersion stabile by itself and is easy to produce flocculation, unstable color and precipitation.
是色浆本身分散稳定性差,易产生絮凝 、 浮色、沉淀等弊病.
互联网The mechanism of flocculation and removal of Microcystis aeruginosa by chitosan - modified clays was studied.
互联网Chitosan as a efficient and cheapness crude macromolecular flocculation exist many problems.
互联网The flocculation processes by DTC in the presence of Fe 2 + were discussed.
讨论了DTC在 Fe2+参与下的絮凝过程.图5表1参8.
互联网The flocculation mechanisms of PFMA include the interaction of hydroxides, the compression of double charged.
絮凝机理研究结果表明,PFMA的絮凝既有羟基架桥作用, 也有压缩双电层和吸附电中和作用.
互联网Comb - like polymer flocculants are receiving more and more attention since it can induce good bridging flocculation.
互联网This paper proposed the flocculation of the flocculants can be evaluated by a jar settling test.
互联网FIQ - C had good efficiency of flocculation, corrosion inhibition inhibition.
且FIQ—C具有良好的絮凝 、 缓蚀、杀菌性能.
互联网Thearticle deals with some principles under which molecular weights and extention of modification effect the flocculation.
互联网Flocculation The aggregation of soil particles into crumbs.
互联网This process is enhanced through the operation known as flocculation.
互联网Only small quantities are required to stabilise the pigments without flocculation.
互联网Separation of pancreatin with flocculation was studied in this thesis.
互联网ObjectiveTo optimize refinement of Carthamus tinctorius L . by chitosan flocculation.
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