JGO has been the sole distributor of Fleur Aromatherapy products in Hong Kong since year 2001.
——期刊摘选The charming iris became known the fleur - de - Louis, and later the fleur - delis.
迷人的蝴蝶花由此得路易之花的美名, 后来又被称为百合花(法国王室纹章花形).
互联网Liliane La Fleur : Directing a flick a rattling overrated job, we every undergo it.
千万别把导演电影看成是什么高技术工作, 我们对此都心知肚明.
——期刊摘选A sound from Fleur distracted his attention.
辞典例句It was arranged that he would meet Fleur and Soames in Vancouver five months later.
互联网This beautiful , highly detailed wrought iron wall cross features fleur tips and a filigree design.
互联网Fleur darted through the window into the morningroom.
辞典例句Fleur, leaning out of her window, heard the hall clock's muffled chime of twelve.
芙雷身子探出窗外, 听见穿堂里的钟低沉地敲了十二点.
辞典例句Made from sterling silver, this pendant features a ringed cross with fleur tips.
这款坠鍊由纯银制成, 特点是十字架本体为环状,尾端为鸢尾花图样.
互联网Fleur : No it's not that, it's her new boyfriend. We don't think he's suitable at all.
弗勒尔: 不,不是那样, 而是她的新男朋友. 我们认为完全不适合她.
互联网Fleur heeded not these sounds.
辞典例句Liliane La Fleur: Directing a movie is avery overrated job, we all know it.
万万别把导演片子算作是什么高手艺工作, 我们对此都心知肚明.
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