The deftness of his fingering captivates her.
互联网Students, when you are playing the melodic , please pay attention to the fingering mark.
同学们, 吹奏口风琴时要注意指法标记.
互联网Captain Mark McCluskey sat in his office fingering three envelopes bulging with betting slips.
教父部分The computer simulation of fractal viscous fingering have been studied to various two - dimension porous media.
对各种不同的二 维 孔隙介质,给出了其分形粘滞指进的计算机模拟.
互联网Fingering still the letter in his pocket he drew the pin out of it.
互联网Complex tone fingering break the traditional common rules, then increase the difficulty of play.
复杂音调突破了传统指法常用规则, 演奏难度随之递增.
互联网Nodding and rocking and fingering her thin hair.
互联网The fingering is mellow and exquisite.
互联网We have been fingering him for months.
《现代英汉综合大词典》I pace the pavement, fingering the coppers in my pocket, eyeing the stall appetiteswith me.
我踯躅于人行道上, 手指拨弄着口袋中的铜币, 双眼盯着书摊上的书籍.
互联网Watson stared at the photographs, fingering one or two hesitantly.
沃森定眼瞧着这些照片, 犹豫不定地指出一两个人.
辞典例句Keep your fingering chart handy . You can always catch up with the others.
保持你的手指的灵活度, 你将能与其他的人跟上小节数.
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