You can boil the fish fillets on a high setting.
——柯林斯例句Our main exporting products: pollock fillets , yellow fin sole fillets, cod fillets, red snapper fillets, salmon fillets, scallop, etc.
主要出口产品有: 鳕鱼片、鲽鱼片 、 真鳕片、红鱼片 、 马哈鱼片 、 扇贝丁等其它类产品.
互联网Dive into these white fish fillets, cooked golden - crisp and served with tartar sauce on the side.
内夹有烹制金黄酥脆的美味鱼片, 一侧抹有海味鞑靼汁.
互联网Dive into these white fish fillets, cooked golden - crisp and served with tartar sauce side.
铺以炸至金黄脆皮的白嫩鱼排, 边上抹有鞑靼汁.
互联网Quality control technology of light - salted and vinegar - cured Dentex tumiforns fillets in the industrial production was investigated.
互联网Heat the oil and deep-fry the fish fillets.
柯林斯例句Planking works best for thin foods like fish fillets or shellfish.
互联网VMarinate fish fillets with salt and ground white pepper.
互联网As found in Example 1, the stress concentration factor for the fillets is equal to 1.78.
如例1中所求出的, 圆角的应力集中系数等于1.78.
辞典例句The flavor will be great when octopus balls are seasoned with salad, mustard and fillets.
小丸子配合着色拉 、 芥末和柴鱼片,味道极佳!
互联网A - GTAW was applied to tube to tube - plate fillets .
管子管板角焊缝的焊接采用 A—GTAW 焊接方法.
互联网Fresh top - grade mackerel fillets are adopted , adding several kinds of imported seasonings.
选用优质冰鲜马鲛鱼片, 加入各种进口调味料腌制.
互联网Fillets can made of Cerrobend, which works easily and takes a good polish.
辞典例句Applying the deep rolling depression technology to engine crankshaft fillets can greatly improve their fatigue strength.
互联网He usually eats fillets to avoid the bones.
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