In addition to the antithrombotic and fibrinolysis enhancing effects, MPS possesses antiphlogistic properties.
除了抗血栓和促纤溶作用, 多磺酸粘多糖MPS还有抗炎作用.
互联网Function of platelet; Anticoagulation system; fibrinolysis; The principles of blood transfusion.
血小板的功能; 抗凝系统; 纤维蛋白溶解; 输血的原则.
互联网There are cruor system, fibrinolysis system and blood platelet system which affect thrombosis.
与血栓形成有关的生理过程主要有凝血系统 、 纤溶系统和血小板系统.
互联网Drugs causing fibrinolysis have been utilized therapeutically.
互联网Progression of symptomatic intracranial large artery atherosclerosis is associated with a proinflammatory state and impaired fibrinolysis.
互联网Aim To investigate the effects of mailuoning oral liquid on platelet aggregation, thrombosis and fibrinolysis.
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