
  • 释义
  • (动物)野生的,未驯的,野蛮的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Boys and girls stuck in time , ageless, feral as a pack of wild dogs.

    男孩和女孩都困陷在时间里,拥有不老的生命, 凶猛得像一群野狗.

  • 2、

    Feral druids were decent at tanking and DPSing, but couldn't master any of these fields.

    野性德在TANK和DPS上 做的门门通, 但是却不是样样精.

  • 3、

    For experienced Warlocks , Hunters, Shadow Priests and Feral Druids.

    招收有经验的术士, 猎人, 暗牧和野德.

  • 4、

    No one is dare to get close to your dog as it is too feral.


  • 5、

    Vast expanses of untamed wilderness punish intruders with feral brutality.


  • 6、

    They probably come from a feral cat background, and were not touched or as babies.

    它们可能来自一个野生的猫族, 并没有被人抚摸或当成宝贝的经历.

  • 7、

    Proterozoic is feral planting often is to grow in crows, rarely and insect pests is invaded.

    原生地野生种往往是成群生长, 很少有病虫害侵袭.

  • 8、

    One of the grey areas in the Australian debate is the link between and feral cats.


  • 9、

    Advanced plant 2000 a variety of, feral vertebrate 500 a variety of.

    高等植物2000多种, 野生脊椎动物500多种.

  • 10、

    Introduced Hunan the sort of resource of feral beverage plant and distributing.


  • 11、

    When a feral cat see a mouse , the cat runs away. Why?

    一只凶猛的饿猫,看到老鼠, 为何却拨腿就跑?

  • 12、

    Grell are most often found in a feral state, existing.

    触须怪最常在野生的区域, 像单独的猎人一样存在于.

  • 13、

    Other researchers put the number of feral cats higher, at around 12 million animals.

    其他研究人员认为野猫的数目还要多, 大约有1200万只.

  • 14、

    Feral populations have sprung up in Sydney, Perth and Hobart from the release of unwanted birds.

    因为在悉尼 、 佩思和霍巴特的多余鸟类放养而使得种群快速生长.

  • 15、

    Most refuse to eat or drink and get sick more quickly than the feral cats.


  • 16、

    Because in day in the eye of people, whose conquer feral beast.

    因为在那时人们的眼里, 谁战胜了凶猛的野兽.

  • 17、

    One minute more, and the feral roars of rage were again bursting from the crowd.

    再过一分钟, 群众中又爆发出一阵愤怒的吼声.

  • 18、

    If they are not careful, they eventually become as feral as the werewolves of legend.

    如果他们不够谨慎, 最终就会变成狼人传说中那样的野性凶兽.

  • 19、

    In some areas, dogs form feral packs that have attacked people.


  • 20、

    If we ever moved Omen around, we would also Feral talents.

    如果我们移动清晰预兆, 那我们就会再修改野性天赋.

  • 21、

    Ok , feral is the only way to go?

    野性是唯一的出路 么 ?

  • 22、

    In western Queensland, army marksmen have been called in to shoot feral cats.

    在昆士兰州西部, 已经召集军队神枪手射杀野猫.

  • 23、

    After eating feral mango very how to after itching, do?


  • 24、

    Pursuit of feral beauty is showed through the description of the hell, tiger and so on.

    他通过对地狱 、 猛虎等的描写,表现了他对野性之美的追求.

  • 25、

    It takes a long time for a feral child to adapt to human society.


  • 26、

    We're not entirely happy with the way the Feral ended up in BC.


  • 27、

    Mangle ( Feral ): Now increases the damage done by Maul in addition to Shred.

    裂伤 ( 野性 ): 现在增强槌击和撕碎的伤害.

  • 28、

    Feral cats in the region could be eating eggs and young iguanas, Gentile speculates.

    这一区域的野猫可能正在吃鬣蜥蛋及其幼崽, 金泰尔猜测.
