The variety of auxiliaries and to improve the color fastness to wet crocking are put forward.
互联网The product is brilliant in color, fastness, lightweight ageing resistance, high intension, airing, water fast etc.
具有色彩鲜艳、不褪色 、 重量轻、抗老化 、 强度高、回弹快 、 透气 、 耐水 、 耐油等优点.
——期刊摘选A . to the printer and printing ink adhesion fastness.
——期刊摘选All our towels ranges are rigorously tested for strength, shrinkage, absorbency and colour fastness.
所有毛巾均已经过严格地强韧度, 收缩性, 吸收性和色牢度测试.
互联网As a result, the color fastness to light of nylon dyed by turquoise blue improved 0.
结果表明, 锦纶翠蓝染样的耐光色牢度能提高0.
——期刊摘选Direct dyes and basic dyes is cheaper, but resistance to fastness.
直接染料和碱性染料比较便宜, 但是耐晒牢度较低.
——期刊摘选They could have withdrawn into the mountain fastness of Eryri.
——辞典例句As for dyeing , weak acid dye and reactive dye should be selected and fullincolor fastness.
染料选用弱酸性或活性染料;染浅色时选用弱酸性染料;染中 、 深色时选用活性染料.
——期刊摘选This process features simple operation, good levelness and fastness, as well as low energy consumption.
其工艺简单 、 匀染性好、染色牢度好、能耗低,具有较大的应用前景.
——期刊摘选HL & AM Ranges for highest level of light fastness for automotive, curtain, and microfiber.
该系列具有最高水平的耐光牢度, 适合用于汽车内用品及超细纤维和户外装饰品.
——期刊摘选Used for the rubbing colour fastness test of coloured cotton, chemical fiber, blending textiles, leather and other materials.
用于棉 、 化纤 、 混纺有色织物 、 皮革等染色摩擦牢度测定.
——期刊摘选The two process were compared from technological process , dyeing results colour fastness, and costs.
根据染色批量的大小合理选择染色工艺, 可取得最佳经济效益.
——期刊摘选Fibers dyed with hydrolyzed reactive dyes fastness as ones dyed with acid dyes of dye sturctures.
——期刊摘选Make dyed fabrics with better washing fastness, perspiration fastness, rubbing fastness.
能使染色织物具有更佳的耐水洗牢度, 汗渍牢度, 摩擦牢度.
——期刊摘选Waste of glue, and reduced bonding fastness undermined the overall structure of the book.
浪费胶液, 而且粘接牢度降低,也破坏了书籍的整体结构.
——期刊摘选Its coatings have excellent mechanical properties, best resistance to yellowing, and fastness to solvents and water.
它的涂层具有优异的机械性能和耐黄变 、 耐有机溶剂和水.
——期刊摘选Evaporation. Excellent adhesion. Chemical resistance. Boiling and alcohol resistant . Excellent leveling property . Light fastness.
自然干, 良好附着力, 耐化学品,耐煮沸, 耐酒精,良好流平性,耐曝晒.
——期刊摘选That mountain fastness is quite famous.
——期刊摘选To irregular joints, fastness should start from bolts at assembly points to outside symmetrically.
对于不规则的接头, 应从拼接处的螺栓群对称地向外侧顺序进行紧固.
——期刊摘选To common joints, bolts fastness should start from center to outside.
对于一般接头, 应从螺栓群中间顺序向外侧进行紧固.
——期刊摘选The rebels have withdrawn to their mountain fastness for the winter.
——辞典例句During reactive dyeing process, the fastness will be influenced by different combination dyes and dye concentration.
在活性染料染色过程中, 活性染料日晒牢度会因拼色染料品种和染料浓度不同而受到影响.
——期刊摘选Turntable fastness , replacing simply and convenient.
转盘定位, 更换规格简便且调整范围大.
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