
  • 释义
  • adv.


  • adj.


  • 词义辨析
  • as far as, so far as
  • 这两个短语共同的意思是“直到…为止”。它们的区别是:
    as far as既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句; 而so far as只能用于否定句;当表示“据…,就…”时可以换用。例如:
    So far as I know〔As far as I can see〕,that is highly unlike.就我所知〔依我看〕,那是极不可能的。
  • far and near, far and wide
  • 这两个短语共同的意思是“到处”。它们的区别是:
    far and near含有远近各处的意思; far and wide含有四面八方的意思。例如:
    His good name is known far and near.远近都知道他是个好人。
    People searched far and wide for the missing child.人们到处寻找丢失的孩子。
  • as far as, until
  • 这两个词(组)共同的意思是“一直到…”。它们的区别是:
    1.until只能指时间“一直到…”。指距离“一直到…”时,必须用as far as。例如:
    He walked as far as the post office.他一直走到了邮局。
    I'll wait until I hear from you.我将一直等到你来信。
    2.as far as除表示“一直到…”,还可作“就…而言,只要”解。
  • far, by far
  • 1.修饰形容词或副词的比较级时,只能用far,语义上有比较意味。
    2.far和by far都可修饰形容词或副词的比较级,比较级前不带冠词the时用far,带the时用by far。
    3.by far可置于形容词〔副词〕的比较级之后,而far不可。
  • go too far, go far
  • 这两个短语的意思不同。go too far意思是“(做得)太过分”; go far意思是“大有前途(指人)”“大有作用(多指事物)”。例如:
    She really went too far when she called me an ugly old cow.她骂我是丑陋的老母牛,真是太过分了。
    That child will go far, he's only 16, and he already has a place at Oxford University.那个孩子前途远大,他才16岁就已经进了牛津大学。
  • far, distant, remote
  • 这三个词共同的意思是“远的”“遥远的”。它们的区别是:
    distant指时间上、空间上的遥远,也可指亲属关系上的疏远; 而far除表示实际距离的远和时间的遥远外,还可指程度上的“远”; remote指时间或距离上是遥远的,也指在感情、兴趣等方面距离很大的,还指关系方面疏远的或淡薄的。另外, distant常用于比喻; far通常用于文学语体,用来描写异国风光或景色等。 例如:
    She is always distant with strangers.她对陌生人总是很冷漠。
    He is a distant uncle of mine.他是我的一位远房叔叔。
    My school is far from the town.我的学校离城很远。
    My hometown is remote from sea.我的家乡离海很远。
  • 下面两个句子的意思相同:
  • The town is far.
    The town is a long way off.
    注意far在肯定句中,多用a long way代替。
  • distant,far,remote
  • 这些形容词都含有“远的”之意。
  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    This is by far the best.


  • 2、

    We still fall far short of what the Party expects of us.


  • 3、

    We live too far from the city to get a strong television signal.


  • 4、

    The related publications are far too numerous to list individually.


  • 5、

    This arrangement is quite satisfactory, so far as I am concerned.

    就我来说, 这样的安排很好.

  • 6、

    I deeply appreciate your kindness in coming so far to meet me.


  • 7、

    He lives far away from us.


  • 8、

    Atomic energy has been discovered for many years, but so far it has not been widely used in industry or in our daily life.

    原子能已发现多年, 但至今仍未广泛用于工业或日常生活方面.

  • 9、

    The land reaches as far as the river.


  • 10、

    Our knowledge about agriculture has so far been exclusively confined to books.


  • 11、

    The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.


  • 12、

    He is far in advance of his class.


  • 13、

    He is finding his new work far more exciting.


  • 14、

    On the third lap he left the other runners far behind.


  • 15、

    He went forth upon a journey to far land.


  • 16、

    That's going a bit too far.

    你这 话 有点出格了.

  • 17、

    It's possible to score six runs off a single ball, if you hit it far and high enough.


  • 18、

    As far as marksmanship is concerned, I don't place in my company.

    论射击技术, 在我们连里可数不着我.

  • 19、

    You're getting far too cheeky!


  • 20、

    In the far distance I saw a ride approaching.


  • 21、

    Since then, we've lived far apart and never seen each other again.

    从那以后, 我们山南海北再也没有见过面.

  • 22、

    The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us.


  • 23、

    His thoughts were far away and he didn't hear a word of what you said.


  • 24、

    The news has spread far and wide.


  • 25、

    I'm so sick today that I couldn't walk as far as the kitchen, let alone go to the zoo with you.

    我今天病得连厨房那么远都走不动, 更不用说陪你逛动物园了.

  • 26、

    Paying rent simply helps to line the pockets of landlords. It's far better to put your money into bricks and mortar of your own.


  • 27、

    So far there hasn't been any result.

