All colours are shownand again, for the Borzoi fancier, colour is a matter of personal choice.
所有的颜色都会让人觉得赏心悦目, 对于猎狼爱好者来说, 颜色只是个人的喜欢问题.
互联网MARY BETH: It's too plain. Do you have fancier?
玛丽?贝思: 这件太普通了. 你有华丽点儿的 吗 ?
——期刊摘选They became fancier as the pike and tuck positions began to dominate , making somersaults possible.
当屈体和抱膝成为主要的跳水姿势后, 更多的翻腾动作使运动员有了更加精彩的表现.
——期刊摘选Barry: Yes that's the one. He's a very keen pigeon fancier.
巴里: 不错,就是他. 他非常喜欢鸽子.
——期刊摘选These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.
这个时代有双收入,但也有更高的离婚率; 有装修华美的房屋, 但也有更多残缺破碎的家庭.
——期刊摘选These are the days of two incomes and more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.
这是一个双薪家庭的年代,但离婚率高, 豪宅华丽, 却是破碎家庭.
——期刊摘选As an audio fancier, he has the experience of working in a recording studio.
作为音响发烧友, 他具有在录音棚里工作的经历.
——期刊摘选Sure, a bigger house and a fancier car might briefly put a smile on your face.
诚然, 一所更大的房子,一辆更靓的轿车,或许能暂时博你一笑.
——期刊摘选Christine : I didn't know your dad was a pigeon fancier.
克莉斯汀: 我一直都不知道令尊喜欢养鸽.
——期刊摘选There are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.
已有时日人们有双份工资,但离婚更多, 房子更奢华, 但家庭破裂.
——期刊摘选These are the days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but broken homes.
这个时代有了双份的收入, 但也有了更高的离婚率; 有了更华丽的房屋, 却有了更多破碎的家庭.
——期刊摘选The racket of this series is what just for large and amateur fancier design.
——期刊摘选The rear ends of these new cars are fancier than the grillwork in front.
——期刊摘选If you want to get fancier than that, you must create your own pens.
如果你想得到比这些更特别的, 那么你必须创建你自己的画笔.
——期刊摘选When I offered my assistance, he mentioned that his new wife was a fish fancier.
当我自愿为他提供帮助时, 他提到了他现在的妻子是个爱鱼的人.
——期刊摘选Of fancier houses, but broken homes.
更美丽的房子, 但是更多破碎的家园.
——期刊摘选We constantly strive for bigger paychecks, larger homes and fancier cars.
我们总是追求更高的薪水 、 更大的房子和更好的汽车.
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