
  • 释义
  • (嗓音)颤抖;支吾其词;蹒跚;摇晃;

  • 词义辨析
  • falter, hesitate, vacillate, waver
  • 这组词都可表示“不确定”“缺少信心”。它们的区别是:
    hesitate最常用,指难于下决心去做某事或作出某种选择; falter指行动上明显迟疑或畏缩,暗示有恐惧、紧张、口吃等征兆; vacillate侧重在互相冲突或矛盾的行动方案之间摇摆不定; waver可指因优柔寡断而迟迟不采取行动,或指虽然作出决定,但行动上却表现出动摇或畏缩不前。
  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The rear, however, did not bind or falter at full articulation.

    在后方, 但是, 没有约束力或动摇充分阐明.

  • 2、

    Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter.


  • 3、

    Those who taste instant success usually falter quickly in the aftermath of their luck.


  • 4、

    The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down.


  • 5、

    There was a falter in his voice.


  • 6、

    His voice began to falter.


  • 7、

    The queen leaned forward with a ting falter of her stout body.


  • 8、

    Yet not all observers are convinced that Shanghai property will falter soon.


  • 9、

    They would rather all perish in the common ruin than fail or falter in their duty.


  • 10、

    The euro zone recovery could yet falter, or prove sickly.

    欧元区的复苏可能尚不稳定, 甚至会较为无力.

  • 11、

    Planned privatisations will get greater scrutiny; some may falter.

    计划中的私有化进程将接受更严厉的审核, 有些还可能延迟.

  • 12、

    Kill Atreus, my son Aegisthus, and this time do not falter!

    埃癸斯托斯, 我的儿子,去把阿特柔斯杀死吧.这一次,你不要手软迟疑!

  • 13、

    The network instantly routed around the breach and didn't falter a bit.


  • 14、

    We must be brave, we must not falter , hold steady , hold steady.

    我们必须勇敢, 不要害怕, 坚守阵地.

  • 15、

    Moshe Believed In Their Invisible Deity, Who Did Not Allow Their Flagging Strength To Falter.

    穆萨相信他们无形的神, 不允许他们的信仰出现动摇和衰退(退转).

  • 16、

    As young adults die, agriculture and industry falter.

    因为年轻人大量凋零, 农业与工业也摇摇欲坠.

  • 17、

    But under some circumstances, we falter.

    但在某些状况下, 事情就没这麽简单了.

  • 18、

    I must not falter. I must be strong.

    我不能失败, 我必须强大.

  • 19、

    State and local government spending will suffer at tax revenues falter.


  • 20、

    Autumn Period, the patriarchal clan system begins to falter and political order falls into disarray.

    春秋时期,王室衰微,诸侯争霸,卿大夫崛起,家臣活跃, 宗法制开始动摇,政治秩序陷入混乱.

  • 21、

    One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter.


  • 22、

    Trembling with shock, she managed falter out a few words of thanks.

    他惊恐的发抖, 结结巴巴地说了几句表示感谢的话.

  • 23、

    The network instantly routed the breach and didn't falter a bit.


  • 24、

    Not very easy and most people will falter and forget due to nerves.


  • 25、

    I detected a falter in her voice.


  • 26、

    Aloud yell from back in the trees almost made her falter.


  • 27、

    Philosophy regards human as research center that never falter, modernity philosophy is no exception.

    哲学以人为从不动摇的研究中心, 现代性哲学也不例外.

  • 28、

    If this still seems to falter, get training or education.

    如果这仍停滞不前, 接受培训活教育.

  • 29、

    He would falter whenever he was asked why he cut classes.


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