Each " false positive " reduces profits and angers an honest shopper.
每一笔被定为 “ 欺诈性 ” 的交易都会减少盈利,激怒诚实的顾客.
互联网Objective In order to realize the false positive of pancreatic amylase.
——期刊摘选Scoring positive rate and the false positive rate is a key component in IDS evaluation.
评分方法是判定IDS的 检测率和误报率的重要环节,评分方法的准确性直接影响评估结果的有效性.
互联网False positive. Magnification with incorrect scale or measuring error results in rejection of acceptable sample.
错误的好的方面. 错误的放大比例或误测导致拒绝验收符合标准的样品.
互联网Hormonal Contraception and False - Positive Cervical Cytology: Is There an Association?
激素避孕与宫颈细胞学检查假阳性: 两者之间存在关联 吗 ?
互联网Trichomonads are often seen on conventional Papanicolaou smears , but false positive results are not uncommon ( 30 % ).
毛滴虫常可在常规巴氏涂片检查中发现, 但是 假阳性 率也达30%.
互联网What the paper tell you about the number of false negative and false positive screening test?
这篇文章告诉你关于筛查结果的假阴和假阳数据是 什么 ?
互联网CTA excluded 3 from 4 false positive cases displayed in transverse CT images.
互联网Howeer, it also recorded a few false - positive results in the control group.
但是, 在对照组中也有些假阳性结果的纪录.
互联网A false positive causes unnecessary anxiety until the test is redone.
互联网Serum autoantibodies may induce false positive result of anti - HIV test.
血清中自身抗体可引起 抗 -HIV初筛试验结果假阳性.
互联网Ultrasonography revealed normal parathyroid glands in 11 patients and 3 false positive cases.
互联网Objective false positive and false negative rates of serological detection of Treponema pallidum antibody.
互联网But that introduces false positive results; in other words, some normal tissues are marked as suspicious.
但这却导致了假阳性的结果, 换句话说, 一些正常的组织反而被怀疑癌变.
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