
  • 释义
  • 促进者,帮助者;服务商;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Act as a facilitator between ARC ( especially ARC Project Advisor ) and ScRC.

    在澳大利亚红十字会 ( 特别ARC项目顾问 ) 与四川省红十字会间起协调角色.

  • 2、

    The facilitator asks the brainstorming group for their ideas.


  • 3、

    Over this one and a half day seminar our facilitator, Ms.


  • 4、

    Not for Luke, the Facilitator.

    但是不包括卢克, 这个全场的发动机.

  • 5、

    The mediator is simply a facilitator of communication between disputing parties.


  • 6、

    Be absorbed brand design create vision a facilitator which is much accounted brand design.


  • 7、

    Libraries should strive to be an enabler and facilitator by mobilizing all its efforts and resources.


  • 8、

    Global Sources is a leading B 2 B media. Company and a primary international trade facilitator.


  • 9、

    Teacher can act as a facilitator.


  • 10、

    With the global economic crisis, SingCham's role as facilitator of businesses becomes more relevant.

    在当前世界经济危机的大背景下, 商会协助会员推动商务发展的角色更为关键.

  • 11、

    Good presentation skills, having capacity to facilitate and deliver program; Experience of facilitator is a plus.

    较好的表达技巧, 具备推动和实施课程的潜力; 有过讲师经验更佳.

  • 12、

    The Facilitator assists the participants in developing improvement recommendations.


  • 13、

    Instead, China is a constructive partner and active facilitator.

    中国不是障碍, 而是建设性的合作者和积极的推动者.

  • 14、

    Do not a facilitator of U.S. travel for asylum seekers.


  • 15、

    Early on when Yao was a monster season he was more of a facilitator.


  • 16、

    If no ideas are forthcoming, the facilitator suggests a lead to encourage creativity.

    如果没有当即提出的设想, 主持人提出引导问题来激发大家的创造力.

  • 17、

    Since it was my idea, I was chosen to be the first facilitator.

    由于这个建议是我提出来的, 于是我被选为了第一任的发起人.

  • 18、

    The teacher acts as a facilitator of learning.


  • 19、

    Facilitator Appel , a member of the Rotary Club of Wichita , Kansas, USA, and a Rotary Leadership.

    引导人,吉利?阿培, 来自美国堪萨斯州之维查达扶轮社员, 同时也是扶轮领导学院之训练师,非常高兴参与.

  • 20、

    Generally, there are different third parties intervention : mediator, facilitator, arbitrator and rules manipulator.

    一般来说第三者有: 调停者 、 促进者 、 仲裁者以及规则操作者.

  • 21、

    The facilitator thanks all participants and gives each a token of appreciation.


  • 22、

    The attendees will have more interaction with the workshop facilitator.


  • 23、

    The facilitator presentsand gives a further explanation if needed.

