Keywords: ahazard potency of debris flow, externality, cost - benefit analysis.
关键词: 土石流特定水土保持区 、 外部性 、 成本效益 分析.
互联网The root of above mentions issues lies in the externality of environmental cost.
互联网However, the negative externality of the over urbanization can counteract the effect of the investment.
互联网In the view of internal conditions, it puts an emphasis on externality and embeddedness.
从集群内部条件出发, 论文重点分析了临港产业集聚中的外部性与根植性.
互联网Please explain the definition of network externality and its classification.
互联网Pollution is considered as a form of negative externality in economic growth.
互联网The damage caused by second - hand smoke in pubs is not an externality.
互联网The problem of environmental pollution roots in the characteristic of public goods and negative externality.
互联网There is no negative externality there: they've knowingly taken the risk.
互联网Reverse logistics has positive externality on account of its feature of quasi - public goods.
互联网In the technology transfer of Multi - National Company ( MNC ) , there's externality, which means technology spillover effect.
跨国公司 在技术转移中存在着外部性―溢出效应.
互联网Compared with market externality, regulation externality may affect allocation, stabilization, distribution and growth efficiency o.
与市场外部性比较, 规制外部性可能影响配置 、 稳定 、 分配和增长.
互联网With every news report , the externality dimension of environmental problems seems to become clearer.
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