
  • 释义
  • 现存的,仍然存在的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Such individualism does not attach to any extant ideal system. It itself an enough value system.

    这种个体中心意识不依附于任何先在的思想体系, 本身即是一个自足的价值系统.

  • 2、

    Corinthians 5:9 – apostolic communications were inspired; but some are not extant in the canon.

    林前5﹕9- 使徒 们有一些被圣灵灵感而写的﹐没有在正典里.

  • 3、

    It contains the earliest documents extant on the life, teaching, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus.

    它包含着现存的关于耶稣的生平, 教导, 受难和复活的最早文献.

  • 4、

    Some of Washington's letters are extant.


  • 5、

    A primate of the family Hominidae, of which Homo sapiens is the only extant species.

    人科的(动物):人科中的灵长类, 其中智人是唯一现存的种类.

  • 6、

    The largest pieces of the plane still extant are barely bigger than a telephone book.


  • 7、

    It is the extant oldest and tallest and biggest tower building of timber structure and abroad.


  • 8、

    It was completed in 691, making it the oldest extant Islamic building in the world.

    它始建于691年, 是世上现存的最古老的伊斯兰建筑.

  • 9、

    The tuatara of New Zealand is the only extant rhynchocephalian.


  • 10、

    The total repertoire of extant and regularly performed scenes numbers over 500.


  • 11、

    Of the 500 odd canvases extant, roughly 250 date from 1930 to 1939.

    现存的500多幅丘吉尔油画中, 约有250幅作于1930年到1939年.

  • 12、

    He is universally admitted to be one of the first politicians now extant.


  • 13、

    Crocodile not fish, reptiles of vertebrates, ZuLong extant insects are the offspring.

    鳄鱼不是鱼, 属脊椎动物爬行虫纲, 是祖龙现存唯一的后代.

  • 14、

    Veda is acclaimed as the oldest extant literature available to humans.


  • 15、

    The manuscripts of his novels are still extant.


  • 16、

    extant remains of the ancient wall


  • 17、

    Only a few passages of these writings are extant.


  • 18、

    It is actually the earliest extant commentary edition of Chinese traditional opera.


  • 19、

    Third, remains Fang Yuan are not many, to reconcile, the extant house will process.

    第三, 所剩的房源不多了, 为了清盘, 将现存的房子处理掉.

  • 20、

    It works against less than half the extant threats, a level he calls " pathetic ".

    它只能应对不到一半的现有威胁, 他将这个水平称之为 “ 可悲的 ”.

  • 21、

    Rich comic factors are reflected in the extant scripts of zaju of the Yuan dynasty.


  • 22、

    Many insects were pollinators before other flying animals were extant.


  • 23、

    The extant laws show a system.


  • 24、

    Some of Washington's letter are extant.


  • 25、

    I love the exhibition building. Its one of the finest extant examples of classical architecture.

    弗雷德说,我喜欢这个会展大楼, 它是现存最杰出的古典建筑之一.

  • 26、

    The oldest extant document is dated 1492.


  • 27、

    This text bases on highway engineering current situation of consultation and seeks extant solution of problem.

