论述,详细讲解( expound的现在分词 );
Soon Gandhi was expounding the doctrine of ahimsa ( nonviolence ).
不久甘地就四出阐释 非暴力 主义思想.
辞典例句He was expounding, of course, his philosophy of leadership.
当然, 他这是在阐述他的领导哲学.
辞典例句The paper made a relatively all - round expounding on large diameter filling pile engineering in limestone areas.
互联网At that moment Blair had been expounding on his work in Sierra Leone.
互联网We must never forget that it is a constitution we are expounding ( John Marshall ).
我们永远不应忘记那是宪法,对此我们正在加以解释 ( 约翰马歇尔 ).
互联网The essay lays emphasis on expounding the significant application of the laser modulation scanning technology.
互联网Results: Expounding the statistics principle of paper analysis and setting up the mathematical model of it.
结果: 阐明试卷分析的统计学原理并建立相应的数学模型.
互联网Discussing and expounding this problem has not only profound academic significance, but also positive practical significance.
对这一问题的探讨和阐发不仅具有深刻的理论意义, 同时也具有积极的现实意义.
互联网Briefly expounding the change of the mold for curing hypertension, and a direction of the treatment.
互联网Most likely found: Expounding assorted conspiracy and cover - up theories.
最有可能被发现的: 阐释各种阴谋理论.
互联网Demonstrate the importance that thermodynamics is in expounding the inorganic chemistry question and general method.
互联网Results: Expounding the pharmacognosy theory systematically of Lonicera macranthoides Hand . - Mazz for the first time.
结果: 首次系统阐明了灰毡毛忍冬的生药学理论.
互联网And expounding the principle that has priority to protect third person's interests in addition.
互联网After expounding the purpose and the main function of MES, the require - fixed problems forward.
通过对钢铁企业MES系统设计目标和功能模块的阐述, 引出需要解决的主要问题.
互联网Everybody is listening carefully to the eminent lama expounding the text.
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