Purpose : To evaluate the value of inspiratory and expiratory HRCT in diagnosis for bronchiectasis.
目的: 评价HRCT在肺小支管扩张诊断中的价值.
互联网Abdominal law: Inspiratory when loosen abdominal muscle, expiratory when contractive abdominal muscle, such thresh 3 minutes.
腹式呼吸法: 吸气时放松腹肌, 呼气时收缩腹肌, 如此反复做3分钟.
互联网As the severity of the obstruction to expiratory flow increases, patients become increasingly dyspneic.
随着呼气性阻塞越来越严重, 病人的呼吸困难也逐渐加重.
互联网The expiratory ( F E ) and inspired ( F 1 ) concentration of isoflurane were monitored continuously.
连续监测吸入气 ( F1 ) 和呼出气 ( FB ) 中的异氟醚浓度.
互联网Adult is in expiratory be, is concerned physiology change?
成年人在呼气是, 有关生理变化是?
互联网The forced expiratory volume in one second ( FEV 1 ) was measured before and after inhalation.
测定所有患者用药前后第1秒用力呼气量 ( FEV1 ) 变化.
互联网Tidal breathing measurements include analysis of tidal expiratory flow and of thoracoabdominal motion.
互联网This paper presents a solution of the sterilization for the expiratory air from the ventilators.
互联网The primary outcome was the morning peak expiratory flow rate.
互联网Pulmonary edema should be treated by placing the patient on IPPB with Positive End - Expiratory Pressure ( PEEP ).
应该通过把病人放在带有正的吐气压的 IPPB 上来治疗肺水肿.
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