Physical weathering: thermal expansion and contracting, ice wedging, exfoliation, salt crystallization.
物理风化: 热胀冷缩 、 冰楔作用 、 剥离作用和晶体生长.
——期刊摘选Leaving lots of apricot kernel in the bath after her weekly exfoliation.
——期刊摘选There is little doubt that skin does benefit from exfoliation.
柯林斯例句Exfoliation of organoclay was obtained after 4 min of mixing time in a banbury mixer.
互联网Such as, blepharospasm, conjunctival congestion and edema, corneal epithelial exfoliation and opacification.
如:眼睑痉挛, 结膜充血、水肿, 角膜上皮剥脱、浑浊.
互联网We present two cases of idiopathic true exfoliation of the lens capsule , with histopathologic confirmation.
本篇报告两临床病例, 及组织病理切片检查之所见结果.
互联网Exfoliation is increased by sunburn.
互联网A novel method for automatically detecting the scrape exfoliation of train wheelset tread surfaces was proposed.
互联网Leaving lots of little bits of ground apricot kernel in the bath after her weekly exfoliation.
互联网The are as follows. the exfoliation development, pitting occurred at first , then followed by intergranular.
该合金的剥蚀是从点蚀发展到晶间腐蚀, 并在内应力的协同作用下产生层状开裂与剥落.
互联网Exfoliation of the lens capsule may be either true exfoliation or pseudoexfoliation.
互联网With finger, gently rub on lips as needed : rub lightly for daily exfoliation and conditioning.
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