The small scanning - spot excimer laser corneal system was developed based on flying - spot scanning model.
摘要以飞点扫描切削模式为基础,研制小光斑 飞点扫描 准分子激光角膜屈光矫正系统.
互联网OBJECTIVE To investigate retinal pathological changes and managing methods before excimer laser treatment.
互联网In this paper, the mechanism of action of excimer laser ( AeF: 193 nm .8 ns ) and the photoablation model on cornea are analysed.
本文分析了 193nm 准分子激光对角膜的蚀除机理及其对角膜的蚀除模型.
互联网The small scanning - excimer laser corneal system was developed based on flying - spot scanning model.
以 飞点扫描 切削模式为基础,研制小光斑 飞点扫描 准分子激光角膜屈光矫正系统.
互联网The quenching mechanism was studied in a quenched dye laser pumped by excimer lasers.
互联网Mechanism, characteristic and application of excimer laser micromachining are introduced.
介绍了准分子激光微加工的机理 、 特点和应用.
互联网The threshold condition of low gain broadband - pulsed excimer laser is closely relative to the pump pulse.
互联网Customization of excimer laser refractive surgery is a new one based on PRK, LASIK and LASEK.
角膜的个体化切削是在PRK 、 LASIK、LASEK的基础上发展起来的一种新的屈光手术技术.
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