Blasting cold air over it makes the water evaporate.
柯林斯例句This liquid is not to be exposed to air, for it will soon evaporate.
这种夜体不可暴露在空气中, 因为它会很快蒸发掉.
——期刊摘选If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish ; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish.
《现代英汉综合大词典》Crustal movements closed the straits, and the landlocked Mediterranean began to evaporate.
地壳运动封闭了海峡, 被陆地包围的地中海也开始蒸发.
互联网Some propellant droplets may not evaporate within the confines of the thrust chamber.
——辞典例句Evaporate the distilled water as you as did the tap water.
互联网It will evaporate like a spirit.
——辞典例句Wet pavements soon dry when there is wind or sunshine to evaporate the water.
——辞典例句Directions: All essential oils are highly volatile , and evaporate on exposure to air, giving off aroma.
用法: 所有的基本护理精油都是有很强的挥发性的, 会在空气中蒸发, 也会散发出香气.
——期刊摘选It'simply blow air over a wet surface , so area evaporate watersurface and into the airstream.
基本原理是让空气通过一个浸水的湿垫, 通过水分的蒸发降低进入室内气流的温度.
——期刊摘选If meteoric water does not evaporate or run overland, it may seep directly into the ground.
如果雨水不从陆地蒸发和流走的话, 就可能直接渗入地下.
——辞典例句The materials evaporate, leaving only their collective behavior.
原料挥发了, 留下的只是它们的集体行为.
——期刊摘选If fluxed parts are allowed to stand, the water in the flux will evaporate.
如果容许焊剂部件出于竖立状态, 则焊剂内的水分将会蒸发掉.
——期刊摘选Clearly, the star wars problem was not going to evaporate.
显然, 星球大战问题并没有不了了之.
——辞典例句To produce snow requires both heat and cold; the first to evaporate, the second to condenseJohn Lubbock.
雪的形成需要热和冷两个条件; 前者起蒸发作用, 后者起凝结作用(约翰·卢布克).
——期刊摘选Each shot of spray lingers on the beetle's body and may take several minutes to evaporate.
——辞典例句Because monopolies don't tend to evaporate.
——期刊摘选Your dreams always seem to evaporate, and nothing ever quite matches expectations.
——柯林斯例句Hot spot can cause the oil falling on them to evaporate.
——期刊摘选We need to evaporate it down to a proper consistency.
——期刊摘选A scalper intends to take as many small profits as possible not allowing them to evaporate.
——期刊摘选Sophie extinguished the black light and seemed to evaporate before Langdon's eyes.
——期刊摘选The paper analyzes precipitation, evaporate, run off , water resources etc. hydrological characteristic in Heihe City.
分析了黑河市的降水 、 蒸发 、 径流 、 水资源等水文特征.
——期刊摘选Like many others, Handford was relieved to see the spectre of 15% interest rates evaporate by the end of the day.
——柯林斯例句And if the advertisements evaporate, so will that remarkable $ 150 billion valuation.
如果失去这些广告, 那么就算是那1500亿也同样会人间蒸发.
——期刊摘选Normally, they would be pulverized or even evaporate when encountering a solid object in their way.
通常, 它们撞上途中的固体物质时会被粉碎或蒸发掉.
——期刊摘选The dream of a new era of creativity would in all probability evaporate.
——期刊摘选Heat is used to evaporate milk.
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