
  • 释义
  • 迅速消失遗忘的,短暂的;生命无常;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Rather, it is a roiling, seething cauldron of evanescent particles.

    相反, 它是一个不断翻滚 、 剧烈沸腾的大锅,内有逐渐消失的粒子.

  • 2、

    Evanescent : Vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor.

    “渐渐消失的,消散的: 消失的或象烟雾一样易消散的.”.

  • 3、

    Is love, love, love oaths , evanescent love, absolutely love, love always can not escape this rule.

    是爱,示爱, 誓爱, 逝爱, 绝爱, 爱情始终逃不过这个规律.

  • 4、

    Evanescent summer to autumn and winter to spring.


  • 5、

    We present a method to measure the evanescent field by Michelson interferometer.


  • 6、

    All was unstable; quivering as leaves, evanescent as lightning.

    一切都是不稳定的, 都象树叶似地颤动翻转,象闪电似地倏忽明灭.

  • 7、

    Instead, their role was played by evanescent photons continually popping into existence around the strong pulse.

    相反, 由易消散的光子发挥的这些作用在强脉冲附近持续存在.

  • 8、

    An absorbing boundary condition ( ABC ) for both traveling and evanescent waves within waveguides is presented.


  • 9、

    By epiphany he means'the most delicate and evanescent of such memorable focusing moments.'

    他的“显现”指的是 “ 那种难于忘怀的了,令人聚精会神的最微妙最短暂的时刻. ”

  • 10、

    Its duration may be evanescent ( measured in seconds ) or persistent over many hours or days.

    疼痛时间可以是瞬间 ( 以秒计 ) 的,也可持续数小时或数天.

  • 11、

    The incidents which give excellence to biography are of a volatile and evanescent kind.

