
  • 释义
  • 优生学;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Did we not advocate eugenics some years back?

    若干年前不是倡议优生学 吗 ?

  • 2、

    Eugenics has a biological significance.


  • 3、

    Social and ethical concomitants of cognitive and behavioral genetics: eugenics, social Darwisinism, race, sex.

    认知和行为遗传学伴随的社会和伦理议题: 优生学 、 社会达尔文主义 、 种族 、 性.

  • 4、

    The spectre of eugenics, which reached its culmination in Nazi Germany, haunts both politicians and public.

    优生学的幽灵的特性, 它在纳粹德国达到了它的顶点, 它在政客和公众那都挥之不去.

  • 5、

    A distinction is often made between " positive " and " negative " eugenics.

    对 “ 积极 ” 优生学和 “ 消极 ” 优生学往往加以区分.

  • 6、

    He advocated eugenics and pointed out that the main physical education course the children is playing.


  • 7、

    Politicians take no interest in eugenics because the unborn have no vote.


  • 8、

    Scholars point toward this racial polarization as evidence of the existence of Eugenics.


  • 9、

    An example of negative eugenics would be the attempt to eradicate a harmful recessive gene.


  • 10、

    A new family eugenics based evolution ( FEBE ) theory is presented to estimate the faulty section in power systems.

    引入基于家族优生学的进化 ( FEBE ) 方法进行电力系统的故障诊断.

  • 11、

    Politician take no interest in eugenics because the unborn have not vote.


  • 12、

    Whenever biology meets behaviour the spectre of social Darwinism and eugenics looms menacingly in the background.


  • 13、

    The research shows that there are close relations between trace elements and eugenics.


  • 14、

    The relation between sperm density and eugenics?


  • 15、

    Some are raising the specter of eugenics.


  • 16、

    The environmental factors that have influences on eugenics including physics, chemistry, medicine and biography.

    影响优生的环境因素包括物理 、 化学 、 药物、生物等.

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