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Euclid, Euler and all the others discovered and put into words things that were already there.
欧几里德 、 欧拉,以及其他数学家们,只不过是发现了这些规律,加以文字表述而已.
互联网Euclid requires no prior study of mathematics.
互联网Archimedes and Euclid writings are still relevant today.
互联网The concept of the cross product of vectors in Euclid space is introduced.
互联网His style shows how deeply he was influenced by Euclid's treatment of ration and proportions.
互联网Cauchy - Buniakowski inequality is one of the important bases of the theories of Euclid ( or unitary ) spaces .
Cauchy -Buniakowski 不等式是Euclid空间 理论的重要基石之一,文献[1,2]都给出了该不等式的 向量 内积形式.
互联网Where Euclid unconsciously assumed the infinitude of straight lines.
辞典例句Some of these are mistakes made by Euclid that can be remedied.
辞典例句Just as Euclid illuminates Newton and Galileo, so they in turn help to make Einstein intelligible.
正如欧几里得的几何学帮助人们理解牛顿和伽利略的著作一样, 它们又可帮助人们读懂爱因斯坦的书.
互联网Science should always try to use Enclidean geometry and vary the laws of physics where necessary.
辞典例句LiuWei shape . mental Euclid, Archimedes comparable.
刘微应和欧几里德 、 阿基米德相提并论.
互联网His book is, therefore, not readily intelligible, even to scientists, unless Euclid has been read before.
因此, 如果事先没读过欧几里得几何学,牛顿的书是不易理解的, 即使科学家也是如此.
互联网Euclid was not always right.
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