
  • 释义
  • 民族精神;社会思潮;气质;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Launched in 1977, each successive generation interprets the ethos of the series anew.

    自从1977年推出到现在, 每一款新车都淋漓尽致的诠释了BMW7系车的高贵气质.

  • 2、

    But there is also a relaxed, straightforward manner behind the hard business ethos.

    不过,在他强硬的商业特质背后,也有一种轻松 、 坦率的作风.

  • 3、

    Anchoret ethos has a long history in China, with varieties in each historic period.

    隐逸现象在中国历史悠久、源远流长, 在不同历史时期呈现出不同的面貌.

  • 4、

    Fourthly, ethos stimulates and accelerates the development of national industry.


  • 5、

    In new historical period, promote Xi Baipo spirit, have important sense to breed and abounding ethos.

    在新的历史时期, 弘扬西柏坡精神, 对于培育和丰富民族精神具有重要意义.

  • 6、

    The path he saw himself taking in his research seemed directly opposed to the ethos of the department.


  • 7、

    How does the game evoke the ethos and atmosphere and pageantry of its setting?

    游戏该如何调动玩家的情感并给出一个完美的世界设定 呢 ?

  • 8、

    Fourth, their activities had a strong pedantic style and Confucian ethos, of unified thinking and cohesion.

    其四, 他们的活动方式带有浓厚的学院书斋色彩, 缺乏统一的思想和凝聚力.

  • 9、

    His book captures exactly the ethos of Elizabethan England.


  • 10、

    The whole ethos of the hotel is effortless service.


  • 11、

    I think these choices were closely associated with their life experiences and spiritual ethos.


  • 12、

    an ethos of public service


  • 13、

    Dry Kiln Middle School rigorous style of study, a good school ethos, teaching achievements remarkable.

    干窑中学学风严谨, 校风良好, 教学成绩显著.

  • 14、

    We must develop an ethos of cost consciousness.


  • 15、

    Organised, controlled and steady, the bookish Hodgson's ethos is the opposite of the flash of Harrods.

    有组织, 控制和平稳, 书生气霍奇森的精神,是闪光的哈罗兹相反.

  • 16、

    High school basketball or football teams are placesswheresthe ethos of competition is given still stronger emphasis.


  • 17、

    The ethos is assembly of character, moral notions and value criteria peculiar to a specific nation.

    民族精神是一个民族的民族品格 、 道德观念和价值准则的总和.

  • 18、

    Science is a social institution that has special values, aims and ethos.


  • 19、

    Law school attaches importance to ethos and stresses on training of students'abilities and personalities.


  • 20、

    Campus a beautiful environment, clean, good school discipline ethos.

    校园环境优美 、 整洁, 有良好的校风校纪.

  • 21、

    Climate is belonged to in ethos of season of sex of half arid mainland awaits zone.


  • 22、

    From what the respect inspects the study ethos of the school?


  • 23、

    They were as far removed from the ethos of terrorism as you could imagine.


  • 24、

    Republicans scoff at the suggestion Mr Obama has a unique claim the public service ethos.


  • 25、

    We should improve the cultural construction, nourish ethos and contribute to the prosperity of China.

    我们要加强文化建设, 培育民族精神,为中国社会的繁荣发展努力.

  • 26、

    The group's general ethos evolved from the interaction between staff and users.


  • 27、

    The day could not be far distant when naturalism would dominate the ethos of American literature.


  • 28、

    They are around all around of this school read the ethos appears pretty good.

