Other components are the homologous alkanes, ethane, propane, higher hydrocarbons.
其他组分有同系烷 、 乙烷 、 丙烷以及高分子碳氢化合物.
互联网Other components are the homologous alkanes, ethane, propane, and higher hydrocarbons.
其他组分有同系烷 、 乙烷 、 丙烷和高分子碳氢化合物.
互联网Can detect hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, dioxide, ethylene, ethane, acetylene and other gases.
可对氢 、 氧 、 氮 、 一氧化碳 、 甲烷 、 二氧化碳 、 乙烯 、 乙烷 、 乙炔九种气体检测.
——期刊摘选Other are less common, can include ethane, propane, butane and light and heavy naphtha.
其它不常用的原材料包括乙烷 、 丙烷 、 丁烷以及轻、重石脑油.
——期刊摘选The method and the condition of separation epoxy ethane from dihydric alcohol are described.
互联网Advances in ethane dehydrogenation to ethene have been reviewed.
互联网Write an equation for the polymerization of ethane.
——期刊摘选BA 110 ethane pyrolysis furnace is an important equipment of ethylene plant.
——期刊摘选The cloud might be snowing ethane snowflakes into methane lakes below.
——期刊摘选If polar conditions are as cool as predictions say, ethane could accumulate as polar ice.
如果两极的状况如同预报的足够冷, 乙烷将作为极地冰堆积起来.
——期刊摘选On this base, suggestions also madethe development of derivative products of epoxy ethane in Maoming region.
在此基础上, 对茂名地区环氧乙烷衍生物产品的开发提出一些建议.
——期刊摘选A process for synthesis of hydroxyethyl acrylate from acrylic acid and epoxy ethane is described.
——期刊摘选A more subtle kind of isomerism is illustrated by the eclipsed and staggered forms of ethane.
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