They will be inclined to side with essentialism and against nominalism.
——辞典例句At present, theoretical library science encounters the circumstance that the inquiry of essentialism is being surrendered.
目前, 理论图书馆学面临本质主义追问被搁置的境遇.
互联网With the uprising of anti - essentialism, the illegitimacy of gender ontology is commonly questioned.
摘要当代 反 本质主义思潮兴起, 性别本体论的合法性受到普遍质疑.
互联网To some , defining woman will fall into the snare of essentialism.
有学者认为, 界定女子会落入“性别本质论”(essentialism)的窠臼.
互联网The three ways for knowledge construction and art are essentialism, anti - essentialism and constructionism.
文艺学知识形态建构的三种方式分别是本质主义 、 反 本质主义和建构主义.
互联网For a long time the idea was that we have to choose between essentialism and constructionism.
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