These estimators include the signal subspace methods, ESPRIT and WSF. They possess good statistical performance.
子空间类方法 、 esprit和WSF是 几种典型的高分辨方位估计方法, 它们具有良好的统计性能.
互联网Works dependably , sincere, can withstand the tremendous pressure, has esprit de corps.
做事塌实 、 诚恳 、 能承受大的压力, 具有团结精神.
互联网Had a strong esprit de corps and work enthusiasm.
——期刊摘选I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and esprit de corps of the Rangers.
我会永恒努力维护游马队部队的声望 、 声誉和高度的尊严.
——期刊摘选The regiment had a strong esprit de corps.
——期刊摘选The esprit de corps of a footBall team.
——期刊摘选We need a strong leader to keep our esprit de corps intact.
——期刊摘选Esprit de corps. Promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity within the organization.
团队精神; 鼓励团队精神将会在组织中建立和谐与团结.
——期刊摘选Esprit Ltd. to create Chui Ping Zou trade: the creation of Esprit types of business?
思捷创建有限公司董事长邹翠平贸: 思捷创建从事什么业务?
互联网Orgone , esprit , loosh , prana, elan vital, and bio - electricity are some of these names.
生命力,才气,loosh, prana, 热烈的生机和生物电就是这些名称的一部分.
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